A Breath Of Fresh Air

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Grizelda was fascinated; she sat up in her stroller, all under her own strength, much to Nyx's surprise as it was one designed for her to lay down, and looked around at the outside world with wide eyes. On her head she wore a cute, frilly bonnet of white lace and she was bundled up in a thick, white woollen cardigan that she kept pulling on in excitement every time she saw something that caught her interest.
Her delight was audible, a bright smile on her face as she turned her head left and right, trying to swallow up all the sighs, and every few moments she let out a chirp of "Eh!"

Guess she needed this just as much as I did, Nyx thought, letting herself feel fondness for the child in this moment when the baby wasn't responding to her with aggression.
Nyx steered them along the path, knowing where they were going- and soon they turned into the wide open space of the park.

The early morning sun spilling down on them was pleasantly warm against the skin, although there was a brisk chill in the air symptomatic of the rising dawn. Nyx stopped for a moment, hands on the stroller handles, and tilted her face up to the sun, letting the day wash over her. It was just what she needed. The air smelt sweet like early morning dew.

Grizelda made a gurgling noise and Nyx opened her eyes. "Alright, you have my attention. Shall we go look at the pond? Or the swings? ... Are you able to go on the swings? I'm not sure. You're sitting up by yourself. How old are you, anyway?" Automatically, she reached out to tug Zelda's cardigan down, where the baby was trying to put it into her mouth. Zelda's face darkened and she hissed, making Nyx jolt back in alarm. "Alright, alright! Still no touching, I got it!"

Putting her hands back on the handle, Nyx began to push again, steering them both briskly across the park.


"See, look at the pond, isn't it pretty?"

The sunlight danced across the rippling water, like golden embers. Nyx stood on the bank, admiring it; hand on the stroller beside her, pointing for the baby to look. She was trying; acting as if this was a more enthusiastic child, one she had a deeper connection with- one who would allow her to have a connection.

Zelda was entranced by the light and the soft motion of the water.

"Ooh, look, ducks!" Nyx said gleefully.

A gaggle of ducks drifted past them, paddling across the water. "Eh!" Zelda pointed at them. Then she viciously jabbed her finger at them. "AHHHHHHHHHH!"

The ducks freaked, falling over themselves and each other in their panic to fly away. Nyx flinched at the yell, and Grizelda grinned.

"And now they're gone. Which is probably what you wanted." Nyx sighed. She turned back to the stroller. "Come on then..."

As they rounded the corner, Nyx was heard a shout. "Mamaaaa!" And suddenly, a streak of blonde hair and pink ran towards them and clung lovingly to Nyx's leg.

"Abigail, don't run off!" Seconds later, Travis came around the corner.

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