Letting the Fantasy Go

13 1 4

Heads up- this chapter gets a little mature towards the end.

"Feeling better?" Wrapped in their bubble of warm, comfortable silence, he was the first to speak, brushing his fingers lightly over Nyx's curls as they lay beside each other on the mattress, face to face.

Nyx made a contented sound, tears drying on her cheeks as she nodded. "Yeah. I don't know what's going on with me."

He adjusted himself on the pillows so he was sitting up on his elbows. "Well... Is it possible you're doing this?"

"Okay, I will humour you just this once."

"Is it possible you're... jealous?"

Nyx wrinkled her nose. "Jealous? Jealous of who? Of what?"

"Well..." He started, drawing in close as he ran a soft finger over her cheek. "... I know how much you like children, and how much you want children, and... that it's likely you can't have them in the usual way. And then here I have this child, something you want very much, and perhaps it's been getting to you more than you want to admit..."

"... And so my mind has created a child for me." Nyx finished. She nodded thoughtfully. "That's... not the worst theory." He smiled warmly at her, and she smiled back; snuggling into the hollow of his body as he wrapped his arm around her.
Get eyes closed, half in dream, she spoke after a moment. "I do so want him to be real."

Sympathetically, he brushed his hand through her curls once more.

She smiled softly. "I see him so clearly. That dear, sweet boy."

"Is he now?" He indulged.

Nyx laughed, enjoying the fantasy for a moment before she knew she had to let it go. "He's adorable." She sighed. "We would have great children."

"I'm sure." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "We would have the best children."

His lips hovered above hers, faces centimetres apart as she opened her eyes to look at him with soft, violet irises. Time stopped for a heartbeat, breath stilled, and then they were surging forward like a tidal wave, clashing together in a fierce kiss as everything they had been holding back broke free.
Hands skating over his sides, she tugged at his shirt, pulling it from his shoulders as he pushed her back against the bed. As his fingers reached the hem of her dress, he stilled, pulling back to meet her gaze once more. For the longest moment, Nyx thought he was going to push her away again, to stop them both there once more and break away; but instead, looking  conflicted, he simply breathed. "Are you sure?"

"Are you?" Nyx returned.

A craven, hungry kiss is all that met them in reply. Easing her dress up over her head, he eased her back down against the pillows once more; kissing along the line of her body as he pushed her hands back against the sheet when she reached for him.
"Let me do this for you." He winked. "Do you trust me?
At Nyx's nod, he kissed her navel and began to head lower.

... And cut! That's all you're getting you filthy rascals; I'll admit, this was a risqué one, which surprised even me XD
Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed! Please like and comment as always!

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