Never Got There

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Having stepped into the mirror in Nyx's room, Alysha began the walk through the space inbetween to Calder's village; her mind exhaustively firing in all directions- she needed to figure it all out.

She never got there. There was a harsh, cramping, pulling sensation in her gut that made her stop in her tracks; and then the mist turned into a black hole around her and pulled her in.

She knew what it was even before her eyes had adjusted to the change. "Hi, Daddy... Whatever it is, I swear, it is not my fault."

"Is that how you greet me?" Belial said. "That makes me sad. You're not always in trouble."

"I'm not?" Alysha exclaimed, toned with sarcasm. "Since when?"

"Something's troubling you." He sat down on... nothing, really- the space around them was just dense, black smoke- and patted a space in the darkness beside him. "Come, talk to me."

"I'll just stay here actually, thanks." She said, crossing her arms.

He shrugged. "Suit yourself." He lent forwards, smiling. "So, how is my youngest?"

"She's... fine." Alysha shrugged, trying to act nonchalant about the subject. Inside she was wary. Did he really want to know, or was he (more likely) trying to make a point? It had to be a trap.

He made a show of looking around. "Well, where is she then? When can I meet her?"

'Never.' "She's busy!" Alysha blurted out. "Doing... things! Important things! Distracting things that have kept her really occupied... There's no time... She's busy!"
She cringed internally at her own babbling. But she was not going to admit to him that she lost her sister- and there was no way she was going to do anything close to asking him for help.

Belial was looking at her with an expression a mix between amusement and 'My child is an idiot.' "You don't know where she is, do you?"

Alysha fell silent and looked at her toes.

"But I thought you could always find her." He said slyly. He tapped his temple with his finger. "In here." There was a heavy pause, and then in an imitation of concern, he lowered his voice. "Did something happen?"

Raising her gaze to meet his, Alysha snarled. "I'm. Dealing. With. It." She said through gritted teeth.

"Then do." He hissed sternly. "And in the case of your sister, I suggest you keep looking."

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