The Treehouse

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"Daddy's sad."

"I know." Billy said. "Dat's why we're gonna help him." They were sitting in Lila's treehouse at the end of the garden- well, it had been Lila's treehouse. She'd used it more since Billy had gotten here than she had before; the young boy immediately adopting the disused space for his own and turning it into a proper den for their games. Now, sitting cross-legged on the floor, it was a relieving break from the tense atmosphere of the house, providing them a safe space to vent their thoughts and feelings.

Lila pouted sadly, resting her chin on her hands. "This sucks. Why'd it all have to go wrong?"

"We c'n fix it! I'm gonna find her!" Billy insisted. "Coz dat's wot heroes do, dey save people. An' I'm gonna be a great hero one day."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Grandma said so; she said I can be anything I want to be. She could help us!"

Lila thought about it, then shook her head. "We can't do anything, we're children."

"We can!" Billy began to explain. "We're gonna have ta... be like spies 'n detectives, 'n find clues of what happened." He nodded as if in agreement with himself, having just decided what he wanted to do.

"No, Daddy will fix it." Lila told him, eyes glistening damply with gathering tears, even as she tried to keep a strong face. "Daddy always fixes it."

"Well, yeah." Billy said kindly, sliding closer to her to comfort the older girl. "I just fought... We could help find her quicker. Coz den everyone c'n stop being sad." As he spoke, he found himself sniffing, tears prickling in his own eyes. Suddenly, Lila put her arms around him, cuddling him close; and he found himself crying against her, both of them weeping as they tried to console each other.
After a while the tears dried up, and they lay snuggled up besides each other on the floor, feeling solidarity in each others company. To distract themselves, they made shadow puppets on the ceiling with their hands, playfully competing to see who could come up with the most creative.
After a while they heard footsteps at the base of the tree, and sat up, curious to see who was approaching their fort.

"Children, can you come inside please? It's nearly lunchtime." Mina's voice rang up through the branches, making both of them internally groan.

Dramatically, Lila collapsed back onto the floor, sulking. "I don't wanna!"

Getting up, Billy walked over to the doorway, leaning out to shout down to Mina. "We're not comin' down!"


"Cause we don't wanna!"

"That's fair." Mina replied. "But you are going to want lunch, and unless you plan to eat leaves..."

"You can't make us come down!" Lila yelled.

Mina crossed her arms over her front, a tricksy twinkle in her eye. "Oh, can't I?"

Standing, Lila stomped over to join Billy at the door. "We're not coming down, you're gonna have to come up!"

"Yeah!" Billy giggled; the children quickly coming to enjoy this game. "You're gonna have to come get us!"

"So that's how it is, is it?" Mina smiled, eyebrow raised challengingly.

"Yup." Billy grinned, leaning down to pull up the rope ladder and baracade them both in. He and Lila cackled wickedly at the trick, celebrating their perceived victory by laughing at the housekeeper before scrambling back inside their hideout. "We don't haf'ta listen to anyone!" Billy crowed, dancing madly about the place in excitement.

Lila giggled, amused by his actions. "Yeah, we're in charge!"

"Nobody tells us wot to do!"

"I would have to disagree." Mina replied cooly. "But I'm happy to discuss it once you're both inside."

Billy jumped; whipping his head around to face the door. There, on the branch outside their treehouse, sat Mina; peering in at them. They had neither seen to heard her come up; and yet there she was, perched on the branch in her sensible black dress like it was the most natural thing in the world. "Wot? How'd you-"

"No, that wasn't the deal. The deal was you'd come down if I came up."
Billy shrunk under her firm gaze, her calm voice quelling all thoughts of rebellion. Mina smiled kindly. "Now, William, kindly lower the ladder and both of you go inside to clean up."

"Yes, Mina." Came the resounding reply.

So, thoughts? How do you feel my story is going so far? I know not much has happened yet, but don't worry, I'm laying the groundwork for some good stuff. XD

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