A Call For Help

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"Help me! Somebody help me!"

Far away, Alysha felt a pull; a link she had been searching for coming alive again for the first time in a while, and at the feeling of intense fear reaching out at her across the bond, she was off, through the mirror, following the lead.

She emerged from the lake surface, behind the draugr looming over the prone form of her sister, and, leaping forward, grasped the creatures shoulders in both hands and yanked it back from her, throwing it to the side. It crashed to the ground, snarling as it righted itself, crouched on all fours, crawling around her, preparing to charge; as Alysha rushed forward to Nyx lying vulnerable on the ground. "Come on, come on!" She pulled off Nyx's hat and grinned, victorious, as she spied the large, sharpened hairpins in Nyx's loosely pinned hair.  As the creature lunged towards her, she pulled it free from her sisters tangled curls and turned, plunging it up through the draugr's lower jaw. As it pushed through the creatures soft flesh, it gave a gross squelch.

Withdrawing the weapon, she pushed it forward once more, this time through its neck, crushing its windpipe; then up through the skull towards its sickened brain. The beast gurgled, hands flying up to its throat, thick, black sludge gushing forward as it staggered back and away.

Nyx was drenched in blood; a warm scarlet, so almost definitely her own, from some wound Alysha hadn't seen yet; but she was alive, her eyelids twitching, small gasps coming from her lips. Reaching down, Alysha hauled her upright, throwing Nyx's arm over her shoulders, Nyx mumbling lightly as she leant heavily into her.

Then Alysha turned her gaze to Grizelda. "...What on earth are you?" Grizelda reflected the sentiment right back at her.
Then, warily, Alysha took hold of the stroller handle and, tugging both of them towards the pond, spirited them away into the reflections.

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