The First Sign Of Madness

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"You can't find her."

He turned from his reflection, trying to ignore its whispered words- usually, he could get it to disappear through paying it no mind, but this one just was not going.

His darker half goaded again, taking his lack of response as a challenge. "You can't find her! She's gone, she's vanished, she's left. Our little Nyx has disappeared into the aether." The last sentence he punctuated with a hand flourish.

"Get her name out of your mouth." Came the return, muttered through gritted teeth.

The reflection's grin deepened. "I bet I could find her."

"Yes, that's what I'm worried about."

The reflection chuckled. "You know, talking to yourself is the first sign of madness."

He had to bite back the automatic reply that arose, knowing he would just be playing into the demon's hands.

"How do you even know I'm real?" The demon-self asked, tilting its head. "You spend so much time convincing yourself that you and I are separate entities. When really, I could just be something you made up in your head- somewhere to put the blame, to ease your guilt. Oh no, that wasn't you, you didn't do it, that was... another you."

That was a thought that stopped him in his tracks. The demon smiled more still, knowing it had sunk in its hooks.

"You seem to think I am something to be gotten rid of. I am here; I have always been here, and I will always be here. And I'm the only one who will. The only one who hasn't left; the only one who won't fail you. Anything I did, you did too. Anything I shall do, you will do too."

And then, crawling forward with his elbows, the demon emerged partly through the glass, reaching out with his hands to touch his counterparts arms. "You are never alone. I am always here."

A/N: Just to let you all know, it's that time of year again where I go away for a week; so it's very possible the next update will not be on the usual time, but I will try and get back to it once I return. So heads up to you all, the next chapter will be late!

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