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Nyx had to do something; she felt like she was going insane. Stuck in the house with just that baby for company, she very might well have been; the dreams, the strange happenings, the constant ignoration from him, it was all too much. She had to do something.

Fingers in her hair, she cried out in frustration, pulling at her curls; when suddenly she raised her eyes to meet that of her reflection.
The girl in the mirror she didn't recognise anymore; she seemed so far away now.

Almost infuriated, she turned and seized the bathroom scissors- the blades flashed wickedly sharp as they opened and closed- in in her other hand seized a clump of her long, midnight curls.


They fell away in her hand, the hair where she'd cut it falling just flush to her jaw- and Nyx felt good. Roughly she seized the next section of her hair- snip, snip, snip- her hair falling to the floor around her like a dark halo, liberating her from the drag of its weight. And with it, she made a promise; a promise of change, not sure quite how, but she knew that things would. A promise that things would start anew.

And when she was done, she looked up at her jagged cut hair, feeling as raw and bare and a newborn lamb, and wiping the tears she hadn't known she'd cried off of her flush cheeks, she fancied that she liked what she saw.


"Good morning!" Nyx chimed cheerily, striding into Grizelda's room;   her new haircut bouncing with the life in her every step. It had taken some work, but after the emotional torrent had ebbed, she'd evened and neatened it out, and now her curls sat softly along her jaw, sweetly framing her face.

As Nyx pulled open the curtains, Grizelda squealed as she spotted her, making an expression of surprise as only a baby can. "Eh!"

"Yes, I know!" Nyx chuckled, shaking her hair back like a mane. "It's lovely isn't it? Nothing for you to pull now!"

As she approached the bed, Grizelda immediately tensed up to rebel, warily unsure on top of everything else about this development with Nyx's hair; but her attention was immediately diverted when from behind her Nyx produced a bottle of warm milk.

"Okay, we're going to try something new today."

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