The Tempest

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"– She was here, in this house! She has my baby!" Luci shrieked at the top of her lungs, stoked up into a venomous rage, jabbing her finger at Jayson who was fighting to calm her.

"Oh, I could kill Perry for this." Jayson grated through gritted teeth. "Little shit knew what they were doing."

Luci stabbed her finger angrily towards the door. "You go out and you find them. You find them, or I swear–!"

"You don't tell me what to do."

"I DON'T CARE that she is your sister!" Luci's volume rose higher still. "You go out, and you find her, and you punish her! Because if I find her first, it will be so much worse than anything you could do!"

"And why do you seem to think I have any idea where the hell they've gone?!" Jayson snapped back. "Calm down! This was not my doing!"

Thanks Perry. He thought sarcastically. I really owe you one.

"Fine!" He bit. "Fine! You want to go find them? We can go find them!"


Some time later, the front door clicked open and Perry stuck their head around to look inside. "The tempest passed?"

"Well done Perry." Jayson drawled from the kitchen. "You've outdone yourself. Are you really finding you're that starved for attention?" He was drying cutlery, wiping the knives and forks briskly with a cloth and tossing them haphazardly into a draw.

"To be fair," Perry said, coming into the room. "I wasn't expecting it to go down like that."

"No, you weren't expecting anything in particular at all. You just wanted to fuck around and find out." He had picked up a steak knife, rubbing it back and forth with the cloth.

"Well it's a bit hard to tell you what I've found out when you're standing there threatening with that knife."

Jayson looked up. "Threatening?"

"Oh shit."

Perry jumped away as Jayson leapt over the counter at them, diving under the table and sprinting around the room, Jayson lashing out behind. Perry cackled. "Can't catch me! Can't catch me!"

One slip of the foot later and Perry was pinned against the wall, throat trapped by Jayson's forearm, knife tip leveled at Perry's face.

"Before you give me an impromptu piercing–!" Perry blurted out. "I know where they are! In fact, I've found out a few things that you're going to want to hear."

Slowly, Jayson lowered the knife. "Alright. Talk."

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