Strong Words

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"Where have you been? Why couldn't I find you? And who-" Alysha jabbed her finger across the room to Grizelda, sitting pretty-as-you-please in her highchair. "-the heck is the kid?"

"Grizelda." Nyx said. They were all downstairs in the kitchen; Alysha standing with a face like thunder over the other two who were sat at the dining table almost like naughty school children, Nyx mostly distracted with a bowl of meaty soup and him completely unapologetic.

"Was that actually what I was asking?" Alysha exclaimed. "Eat your soup." Nyx shrugged and did so. "This is your child, isn't it?" She turned to him. "It clearly is. Who's the mother? Evidently some faerie- is it someone we know, or is there someone new on the scene?" Not done with her rapid-fire, she turned back to Nyx. "This is the one, is it Nyx? This is the man you have picked? He's kissed me; we know his history; now this?"

"Literally none of that is as you've described." He said, rising from his chair. "If you would just let me explain..."

Alysha raised a sceptical brow, arms crossed over her chest. "There's not many different ways I know of to make a baby."

He ignored her snarky comment to continue explaining. "I have looked into it extensively; and I believe this to be the work of mother."

"Lilith? What did she do, set up your blind dates?"

"If you could stop attempting to frame me as the bad guy here, you might find your questions satisfied. I believe this is her attempt to recreate what happened with me; as you well know, I haven't been quite dancing to her expected tune."

Alysha's other eyebrow joined the first. "Well that seems all very convenient, with no one else here to back that up."

"Oh for crying out loud, can you two go two minutes without fighting?" Nyx groaned. "I get it, you're both pretty." Picking up her bowl, she put it to her lips and tipped back her head, swallowing it down. "Right, I'm done." She rose to stand. "I'm tired, I'm going upstairs."

So, a little bit ago, I promised myself I wouldn't start writing any new fanfics for while- I am now promptly considering breaking that promise. If I was to write a Stranger Things fanfic, would anyone be interested?

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