Tip Me Up

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"... They're both just sooo... Argh! sometimes, you know?" Nyx said from behind the closed door. Perry, standing outside, made a sound of agreement, back against the wall, arms folded over chest. "Like, I'm not fragile." Nyx continued. "They're both so... cloying sometimes. They'll go ahead and do whatever the hell they want, but God forbid- do not tell me I don't fit into the same dress size I did a month ago, that would be the perfect ending to this night."

The door clicked open a few moments later and Nyx stepped out. "Ta-da!" She was dressed in a mini-dress of deep blue, scattered with silver specs; beneath that was a long-sleeved, gauzy, black top painted with silvery moons and clouds, and tights patterned with stars. Around her waist was a belt of silver crescent moons, and she wore thick-soled black boots laced up to her knees.

 Around her waist was a belt of silver crescent moons, and she wore thick-soled black boots laced up to her knees

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Perry wolf-whistled. "Looking good!"

Nyx laughed. "I look like a wizard." She stepped back inside the bathroom to look at herself in the large mirror on the wall, Perry following her in. "Yeah, it's definitely the moons and stars doing it."
Perry chuckled. "Now I'm stuck between you look hot, and not letting you go out dressed like a stereotype."

Sniggering, Nyx shrugged. "I can dress like the stereotype if I want to." She cocked her head. "I like it."

"Then we like it." Perry agreed. "Now, what are you going to do? You're looking fierce, you are confident, you are an amazing young woman; you are going to show up, and you are going to look them dead in the eyes and you are going to let them know how it is; and you are going to make them beg for your forgiveness. I mean it, I want down-on-their-knees begging."

A new wave of laughter spilled from Nyx at Perry's whole production. "Well, maybe not that far."

"You wound me." Fingers stroking chin, Perry glanced her over. "You know what you need? Blue lipstick. I might have some."

Perry retreating to go look, Nyx called after. "Yeah, you go find that, I'll... be out in just a minute." Closing the door, she clicked the lock shut just in time to stagger to the sink, clutching the side as a wave of nausea washed over her.

Closing her eyes, she focused on breathing. Do not vomit. Do not pass out.

Steadily, it receded. Straightening up, she felt a strange feeling, like eyes upon her back. She whipped around- half expecting to see the figment of the little boy, but he wasn't there. She felt a odd sense of loss at that thought.

Nothing but the mirror. Drawing close, Nyx looked at her own reflection. It felt strange to do so now, after everything- for a while after Alysha emerged, she actually had not had one; now that had been trippy. But slowly but surely, it had come back. She drew closer still, the reflection echoing her movements; was someone out there, looking at her through her own eyes?

She shook the thought away. She was being ridiculous; reflections were her power- hers to control.

Straightening her new dress, Nyx unlocked the door and stepped out into the hall. And stopped in complete shock at what she saw there.

At the end of the hall, Luci was frozen in much the same way, emerging from one of the bedrooms.

A/N: Yes, I absolutely wrote this chapter specifically inspired by that outfit. Sue me XD I used to do it all the time when I first started writing this anyway, and have recently got back into including pictures.

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