Tag, You're It

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Nyx raced down the stairs into the hall- there he was! Behind the door! Rushing to the place, she found nothing but air. The glimpse of a face behind the sofa- there! Nyx threw off the cushions, only to touch nothing. Movement behind her, and Nyx rushed into the kitchen. Chairs were pulled out and turned aside, cupboards opened, coats pulled down from the hooks in the hall. Moments later, she ran back up the stairs, opening doors and diving under furniture, before even winding up in the roof in the small attic space. The place was full of junk and dust; Nyx coughed, arm covering her mouth, peering for a small shape in the gloom.

There was the sound of measured footsteps on the ladder, and moments later Chris appeared through the trapdoor. "What's going on? What's all the chaos and running around?"

Nyx gestured wildly. "There's a small child in this house!"

"... Yes, she's down in the nursery." He took in her rumpled clothes, stress-frazzled hair, dust smeared face and wild eyes. "How about we get down from the attic?"

As she descended the last step of the ladder, Nyx turned to him, crossing her arms. "Who's the other child?"

"I don't know- what, do you think this is my doing?"

"I don't know, is it?"

He put his hands on her shoulders. "Nyx... I don't think he's real."

"Yes, he is!" Suddenly, there were tears threatening to spill over from her eyes. "You think I'm crazy? I'm not crazy!"

"I didn't say you were crazy..."

"Shh! He's right there!" Nyx jabbed her finger down the hall to a side table some way away. Between the legs of the table, she could see the boy crouched, grinning broadly and giggling.

Following her gaze, he looked at the table and slowly wandered over. "Under here?" He waved his arm through the air under the table and in a moment, the boy vanished.

Nyx's breath hitched; slowly, she raised her shaking hands to her face, letting out a strangled sob. Immediately he wrapped her in his arms, gently stroking her hair. "It's alright. It's alright."

Face buried in his shirt, Nyx shook her head, tears running down her face. "I... haven't been feeling good. I keep getting hot, then cold. I feel sick. My senses are off- things smell funny, taste funny. My head's all over the place, I can't... think straight!"

Softly, he put his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. "You feel normal." He frowned, a puzzling look in his eyes. Then, bending, he swept her up into his arms bridal style and carried her away to her room.

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