Answers Sought

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Marching down the road, Alysha's mind was a million miles away when she was jumped out upon by Salome. "Whoa! No way, how did you get out? I thought you got... shadowhunter-ed or something, and they were going to keep you locked up far away forever."

"I don't have long." Salome hissed. "I can help you." She stepped out, towards Alysha. "I can give you the answers you seek."

Alysha looked at her, eyes a turbulent orange as she pursed her lips in deliberation.

Salome flicked her own eyes over Alysha's form. "Where is it?"

"Aha!" Alysha jabbed her finger savagely at the other woman. "Nice try! Yeah, I don't carry it on me! It's hidden, safe, away from prying fingers. And when you help, people die!"

She scowled, practically growling in irritation, driving her hands deep into the pockets of her borrowed-from-Nyx's-room jeans as she stalked off down the pavement.

"I'll be around." Salome called after in her velvety, knowing tone.


Maddie was at near breaking point; the city was in hell, her friends were in turmoil and her parents were giving her strife about returning her son and her whole life choices in general. Between the mass escape from the asylum, the rumours of draugr resurfacing and hunt after hunt, she was burnt out.

Exhaustedly, she flopped down in her large, plush armchair and her gaze drifted over to the fragments of the book pages resting on her desk.
She hadn't looked at them in weeks. She'd sort of hit a dead wall, and since it wasn't a priority to anyone else, being her own project, it had just fallen by the wayside.

Wandering over, she picked up one of the large pieces, encased in a protective plastic pouch, and dropped back onto her chair, looking at it. The un-singed part that she could make out had what seemed like some runes drawn upon it... and she didn't recognise any of them.

Sighing, she lowered her hand... and then she raised it once more, squinting. A thought has occurred. Unless it wasn't runes? Perhaps something far more simple- could it just be language? Pictography. Now that made sense. Leaping to her feet with renewed energy, she rushed from her room to the library; tracing her fingers along the spines of books on the shelves until she found the one she was looking for. Pulling it out, she put it on the table beside the page; zoning in on one large symbol in particular that seemed strikingly familiar. A flick through the book and she soon determined why.


Not exactly, but close.


Yes, I am aware that I have like a billion plot threads at this point to keep track of. I am so sorry. Should I have dropped some of them? Yes. But I didn't. I hope you're finding it all alright and that it's not too terribly confusing and off-putting. I have a plan, I swear!
Admittedly at this point my writing is half book, half experiment; but it's a good learning experience if nothing else. XD

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