Where from here?

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Once they broke their kiss, Nick immediately drew back and began actions to smooth it all over. "Oh, I am so sorry... That's not- I don't know what-"

"It's fine, it's fine!" Travis cut him off, almost too fast, waving his hands in Nick's face. "It's more than fine." He mumbled. At the not-quite-meant-to-be-spoken confession, he ducked down low, putting his chin on the table; anxiously pulling his beanie down around his ears.

"Oh, Travis..." Nick said softly, reaching out his fingers to touch the other man's hand.

Travis sniffed a chuckle. "Is this the part where I tell you I've been crushing on you since I was eighteen?" Travis blushed like a tomato and both of them laughed; Nick absent-mindedly running his thumb back and forth across Travis' knuckles.

They caught each others gaze and smiled again; soft, explorative smiles.

"So where do we go from here?"

"Where indeed?"


Alysha was sitting in the living room, nursing a sizeable bottle of liquor when Nick and Travis finally got in, entwined; Nick's arm over the shorter man's shoulders and Travis' around Nick's waist, pressed against each other, joking and giggling.

"What are you two up to?" She said, eyes narrowed in curiousity.

"Oh, you know, stuff." Nick chuckled, pulling down Travis' beanie which he was now wearing on top of his own head. "You're up late."

"Early." Alysha said, pointing at the clock. She them lifted up her bottle in her other hand. "I'll be up in a bit when I'm done."

"We're going to bed too." Nick grinned; causing Travis to just fall apart laughing, turning his face into Nick's chest and flicking his ear in punishment of what he'd said. "I didn't mean like that."

"Goodnight!" Alysha chimed, pulling a face at their gooeyness as they stumbled up the stairs, before sweetly but not discreetly kissing on the top step, then parting ways into their own rooms.

She took a long swig from the bottle, before turning back to the living room table. The dessicated head stared back; sunken eye-sockets like black holes to the void. Alysha tapped her pointed fingernails lightly across it's forehead.

"Come on, I know you're around somewhere."

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