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After Zelda finally settled down for the night- somewhat with ease, as Nyx had noticed her growing sleepy as the evening drew in- Nyx slipped down the hallway towards his office door.

She went to knock, but paused for a moment, listening. All she could hear from inside were the faint sounds of motion; rustling papers, objects being moved against surfaces and the quiet sound of footsteps on the floor. Quickly, she rapped her knuckles against the wood of the door.
At the sound the rustling stopped and objects were put down, then the sound of footsteps came towards her and he pulled open the door.

He smiled, looking her up and down. "You're wearing  the dress."

"Yes." Nyx beamed, blushing and turning slightly to show it off. "I wanted to thank you. I like it very much."

"You deserve it. It looks good on you."
As he made a move to go back inside, Nyx stopped him.

"Wait. I just wanted to know... If you were coming to bed tonight?"

Puzzling his brow slightly, he reached out a hand to softly brush her hair. "Why? Are you struggling to sleep again?"

"Well..." Nyx said, drawing out the 'l'. "We don't have to sleep..."

Now that made him look torn, when he realised the implication of her words. Cupping her face, he pulled her towards him; kissing her sweetly but firmly on the lips. Nyx grinned into the kiss, her body practically fizzing from her head to her toes at the thrill.
And then, he broke away with a sigh; laying his forehead against hers, lips brushing hers as he spoke. "I'm sorry. I can't. I'm busy."

... What?

As he turned away from her and closed the door, Nyx crossed her arms across her chest and stomped back to her room in an irate huff. Flopping down on her bed, she let out a sigh, looking up at the plain white ceiling above.
It was fine, he was allowed to do what he liked.
But the truth of the matter was, Nyx liked sex. She liked sex, they'd only done it once, she'd thought it was good and now he was ignoring her! Regardless of the reasons why, she couldn't help but feel rejected.

With another huff, she rose, stripping off her dress before climbing into bed, tucking herself in under the covers.

Men were complicated. He was complicated.


As he closed the door, he sighed; closing his eyes and trying to focus his racing thoughts.
God, he'd wanted to go with her- to go to her even now. The vision of her in that angelic white dress was all that he could see. He craved the peace he believed he'd find in her arms, even if it was only for a while- but it was all a temptation, a temporary distraction from his task.

After. He could have that after.

Opening his eyes, he turned back to his desk; determined more than ever to continue his work.

"What, you're too scared to screw your girlfriend now?" His reflection in the window mocked.

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