Different, not so different

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"It's nothing." He said, pulling his arm away.

"It's not nothing." Nyx countered. "I know you've been doing experiments. Have you been sticking yourself with needles?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. It clearly does, else you wouldn't be trying to gloss over it-"

Suddenly he grasped her chin, fingertips digging harshly into her flesh as he forced her to look up at him. Something dangerous ticked behind his eyes, a madness that twitched in his clenched jaw. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How do you do it?" He repeated slowly, a severe tone in his voice. He pushed her suddenly, to where she sprawled back on the bed; and he landed on top of her, pinning her down; seizing her face and turning it this way and that. "We're basically the same. How are you different?"

Frustrated at his accusations, she pushed him off and a sat up, only for him to snag her again, pinning her back against the headboard, hands around her wrists. Tilting his head to the side, he looked at her evaluatively, and she watched him back too with wide, wary eyes. "Maybe..." Moving her arms above her head, he pinned them there with one hand; the other coming down to rest on her bare thigh, sliding up slightly under the lip of the shirt. The heat from his skin made her shiver. A cruel, trickster smile crept across his face. "But maybe you're not so different. Maybe you're just better at hiding it."

The hand on her leg became claws. With a grunt, she planted her foot on his chest and pushed him back, leaping off the bed onto her feet to put some distance between them. "I don't know what you are talking about-"

He scoffed, slinking off the bed and stalking towards her. "Yes, you do. Don't tell me you could possibly be so oblivious."

"-You're scaring me now-"

"Your mother-"

A chill ran down her spine; a knot forming in her chest. All the meanings he could possibly mean with that one word...
Her voice was harsh and coarse when she shortly spoke. "What about my mother?"

He drew closer still and she stepped back, her back colliding with the wall.
His lip curled. "Not Rachel. Your real mother. Evelyn."

"You will NOT speak badly about MY MOTHER!"

Which mother?

Rachel? Evelyn?

"Either of them." She ended. Following her outburst, her breath came in fast pants, previously bottled up anger rushing through her veins.

Her shout seemed to have worked; seemed to have stopped him in his tracks. He just looked at her- and then a dry smile crept onto his face. "And there it is." He said simply. And then he turned on his heel, and left.

Nyx was shaking now, she realised; tears prickling at her eyes as the rush of anger abated. What was that- how dare he... Emotionally exhausted, she slid down the wall. Somewhere else, the baby started crying.

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