Hear Me Shout

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"What are we going to do? What are we going to do?" Alysha paced back and forward along the length of the cabinet in the kitchen, anxiously gnawing on her lip. "She is so mad; I've not seen her upset like that before. I mean, where has she gone? Where would she go?"

On the other hand, he was shockingly quiet; sitting in one of the dining chairs, his hands steepled together, staring off into middle space. Then, tiredly, he put his head in his hands and rubbed his palms over his face. "We're just going to have to work to show her how sorry we are."

Alysha scoffed. "We already said sorry."

Unbidden, a voice whispered from that dark chamber in the back of his mind. "But are you?"

He glanced to his right and saw what he feared, his dark-self reflection looking back. "But are you sorry?" It whispered, the smile on its face sharp-toothed and predatory. "If you were sorry, why would you do it?"

"Shut up." He hissed.

Alysha stiffened, eyes flicking suspiciously to him. "Did you say something?"

"I am sorry." He said firmly, fixing her with a hard look. "There's a difference." He glared at her a moment longer. "This is your fault!"

"Uh, my fault?" Alysha exclaimed. "It takes two to tango."

"I didn't say I was innocent. But you started it."

Alysha scowled, and then: "Fine! Fine! So maybe it's my fault." She dropped down in a chair. "And your fault. It's our fault. So what?" She threw her hands dramatically up in the air. "I confess; I was jealous. Is that what you wanted to hear? I was jealous."

He made a derisive sound. "Oh, trust me, I would never-"

"-Uh, you already did. But no, that wasn't what I was jealous about. I was jealous of you. And her. You and her. Together. All the time. Whilst I have no one! And I never have; not really, not for long. I'm always seen as either someone to be tossed aside, or put on a pedestal- or some weird mixture of both, which I still don't understand- when I just want someone to view me as a person! And she's my sister- she is the one person who might have a smidgeon of a chance of understanding me and where I stand. So yes, I am in fact jealous. You have what I want."

Frazzled, Alysha pushed herself up from her chair, dragging her fingers through her mess of curls. "I bet she's gone to her mother's house."

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