Have To Ask

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When Nyx got back to the house, he was standing atop the stairs as she carried Zelda through the front door. "Where were you?" In a few long strides he was down the stairs and in front of them. "I thought you'd taken the baby and run away!"

"We just went out for a walk." Nyx assured him. "Bonded a bit." She gestured to the girl comfortably in her arms. "A change of scenery. It's good for her."

Zelda, sat in Nyx's arms, watched him like a hawk. He was... twitchy, unusually full of anxious energy; kept running his fingers through his hair again and again.
Copying Abby like she had before, Zelda reached out her arms to him and asked to be picked up. "Uh, uh, uh!"

He ignored her. When he didn't respond, Grizelda glowered and burbled angrily under her breath. Suddenly her fingers dug into Nyx's arm, razor sharp nails sticking in to her flesh. Nyx yelped and flinched reflexively, and he snatched Grizelda away. "No." He said sternly before he turned and marched them up the stairs. Exactly where she wanted, Zelda tried to snuggle into him, cooing softly and reaching up to pet his face.

Unceremoniously he placed her I'm her crib and turned away. Grizelda shrieked at the loss of contact, crying as he left the room and closed the door.

Nyx met him outside.

"Are you alright?" He took her hands.

"Yeah." She replied. "I'll be fine. Look... I have to ask..." She took a moment to reassure him with her gaze, carefully choosing her next words. "It's just that, I've noticed some things... Just tell me the truth. Is she your baby?"

"No." He said quickly. Then he blinked. "Yes. Maybe. I don't know."

"... You don't know?" Nyx pulled her hands free from his and narrowed her eyes. "How's that work?"

He surged forward and caught her arms again. "She's our baby."

"She's not my baby." Nyx said.

"Don't." He stiffened. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

Suddenly he pulled her towards him, wrapping her tight in his arms. Softly, he ran his fingers through her hair. Pressed against him, she could feel his racing heart beating fast against her skin. "Please." He whispered, month pressed to the crown of her head. "Please don't. Don't reject her."

So he's definitely not in his right mind today! XD
How's the chapter, guys? Hope you enjoyed it!

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