The Dead Of Night

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"Travis." Dec said in the dead of night as they cleared up the tables of the empty bar. "Have you ever... wondered where I came from?"

Travis gave Dec a look that between them meant Are you drunk? "You have three biological children, I didn't think you needed help understanding in that department."

"Not what I mean. It's just... You know where you come from. I have my mum and all that side, but... I know nothing about the rest."

"You always told me you didn't want to know. Fuck 'em, if they didn't want you, you didn't want them. That's what you always said." Dec cracked a smile at that. Travis put the tray he was carrying down on the counter then turned to face his friend. "Besides, do you remember my father?"

Dec chuckled. "Oh yes. And your sister. I was married into that crazy family for years. Not an experience I would repeat."

Travis laughed. "It's a shocker I'm as well adjusted as I am."

"My influence, I'm sure." Dec ruffled Travis's hair as he passed. "You're a good kid."

"Yeah. But anyway, it's not like you've ever needed to know them. No offense, but as things go... you're fairly normal. No strange powers or abilities that you need explaining..."

"Apart from being dashingly charming." Dec grinned.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's held you back so much. You've done great things, all on your own. Greater than most. If anything, they should be proud to have you. They should be the ones coming to you, they would be lucky to have you!"

"–So there's a man in town who's claiming to be my father."

Travis stopped in his tracks. "Wait... Seriously?"

Dec nodded, eyes wide at his own admission. "Seriously. And frankly... I'm inclined to believe him."

A/N: So I realised I hadn't done anything with these characters for a while! To be honest, I do think I might have shot myself in the foot with having so many different plotlines to keep track of XD Oh well, something to be aware of in the future– probably better I discover it here in this fic that's just for fun, rather than in my more serious writing. But yeah, apologies if certain plot things keep slipping or getting missed!

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