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Nyx must have drifted off into a light, dreamless slumber at some point, because when she awoke again there were too more parcels on her dressing table.

So... He didn't have time for her, but he had time to buy her presents? Nyx couldn't help but feel frustrated at that; it felt a little like he was trying to buy her off or something.

The dream and fear from it of the night before was still hanging around her, translating now into anger and irritation.

The contents of the parcel was very nice though; a somewhat more practical pale blue top and elegant black skirt. The second held another doll- different this time, with a long velvety dress of deep blue.
'Well, I feel sorry for you.' Nyx thought, dropping it back into the box. 'Considering what happened to the last one.'
Maybe she'd give it to Grizelda later... Perhaps much later.


"Oh, why are you crying now?" Nyx asked desperately as Zelda wailed, thrashing her arms and legs in protest. "You've just woken up, you've been fed, we eventually got you changed- although you tried to fight me the whole way..." She looked in dismay at the small tear Grizelda had put in the sleeve of her new shirt.

Nyx sighed. "I'd give you a cuddle, but you'd try tear my hair out. Come on Sweetie, I'm tired."

Zelda just wailed harder, balling up her fists, her face going red.

Huffing angrily, Nyx blinked back tears, supporting herself against the counter as she wobbled on her feet. She needed out- just for a moment, to gather herself before she fell apart.

Turning, Nyx walked out of the room, striding down the hall. Reaching for the handle of the front door, she tried to turn it- but it was locked.
"Argh!" Angrily, she stomped her foot, pulling her own hair in frustration before rounding on the staircase. Had he taken the key? Did he have it up there with him in his office? Well that was just fucking brilliant.
Did they even have a garden?

Storming up the stairs, she ran to her room.

Her bedroom had a window seat; a cosy book that looked the perfect place to settle down and read a book, when she finally had the time. She ran to it now, throwing herself down on the embroidered cushioning before flinging open the large window. A cool refreshing breeze immediately washed over her, making her sigh in relief; leaning her head against the window frame as the adrenaline left her.

Outside of her window was a window box, a bare flower planter filled with dark earth. Absent-mindedly, she reached out at ran her fingers over the soil. It looked a little sad being left empty. Her mouth twitched into a smile as an idea struck.

Getting up, she drifted over towards her wardrobe; tucked at the bottom of which was the bag of assorted items she'd managed to rescue during the asylum escape. Rummaging inside, she quickly found what she was looking for; wrapped in one of her jackets was a sprig of rosebush plucked from the hospital gardens, covered in tiny closed-up rosebuds, somehow still fresh and green after all this time.

Grinning childishly, she brought it back over to the window box, planting it in the dirt so it appeared as if it were sprouting from the earth. It was kind of pathetic-looking, perhaps even more so; she couldn't help laughing at her own folly, which in a way was an improvement in itself. This one silly thing was solely for her amusement, and she revelled in that fact alone.

Leaning out further and peering around, she realised she could see into the window of the room next to her- and it took another second to realise that she was looking into his office. She could see him, silhouetted against the window glass. He was sitting at his desk, concentrating on something unclear that was making him gesture sharply with his arms. She watched him with curiosity. What was he doing? She wondered.

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