Decisions, decisions

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Grizelda still had not woken up.

"Yeah, this is weird." Nyx rested her chin on the side of the crib, peering down at Grizelda's sleeping form. She had already checked at least once that the baby was still breathing, she seemed so still, but from the looks of it, Grizelda was completely fine- just asleep. "He's done something. It's been what, a few hours now? There's no way she's still sleeping."

"I've put him in the mirror realm." Alysha saw the look Nyx gave her. "Don't worry, it's secure. It's not like he can do anything in there, that's our domain."

Nyx softly stroked the sleeping Grizelda's arm. "Well, we better figure this out quickly. Else we're going to have to ask him, and I bet he'd just love that."

"So this is... Luci's child?" Alysha stepped closer to the crib, looking the baby over with an almost clinical interest.


"What are you going to do with her? You know, now you know. She was only here because of him. You don't have to keep her."

"I suppose..." Nyx said slowly. "I'll have to return her to her family. It's only right."

"You're going to give her back to Luci?"

Nyx thought about it for a moment, then viscerally shuddered. "No. No, I'll... give her to Declan. He's the father."

Alysha squinted at the child. "Are you sure he's the father? Are you sure it's not-"

"-Well, he accepts her as his daughter and that works for me! I trust Dec- no, I don't trust him, but I trust him to make the right call for this child. He can decide what he wants to do about Luci and... the rest, then it's out of my hands."

Alysha nodded. "...And then you're free to come have awesome times with me. I like this plan."

"... Might be a bit more to it than that. But either way, Dec's not going to be happy if we can't wake her up."

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