Inside Rachel's Office

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Rachel's office was more like an apothecaries workshop than a traditional office space.
Bottles and jars covered the worktops, filled with strange substances and exotic ingredients. Drawers full of unusual items filled the perimeter of the room; shelves of books and woven wall hangings covering the upper part of the wall. Opposite the door, behind the desk, stood an unlit fireplace; elegantly framed in ornately carved wood. Dried herbs and pieces of animal hide hung from the ceiling, suspended above their heads.

Wheeling herself into the room, Rachel had situated herself behind the desk to face Alysha; who was peering curiously around the room, fascinated by everything she saw.

"... I mean no harm." Alysha said, trailing her fingers along the titles of the books on the shelf. "You're the lady of the house, it's all on your word. It's just our goals are aligned and I feel we can help each other. I want to find my sister, you want to find your daughter- we're basically family! Why wouldn't we work together?"

Rachel looked incredibly sceptical at the last part, but didn't comment on it. "So, do you have an idea of where Nyx is?"

Alysha frowned. "Not quite, at the moment. Usually, it's quite easy for me to find her, but I've been having some problems recently. Nothing I can't figure out, I just need some time."

"Problems?" Rachel asked.

"Foggy." Alysha said, raising her hands to her temples with a frown. "When I reach out, it's all... blurred. I don't like it. It makes me feel lost, blind even-vulnerable." Alysha screwed her eyes shut, shaking her head quickly as if trying to clear the mist herself. Then she opened her eyes again, dropping her hands. "She's alright, I can tell that much. She's safe, for now."

Rachel's expression was one of intense relief. "Oh, thank heavens." Then, with a querying expression, she manoeuvred herself around the room to approach Alysha; reaching up to lay her palm across the girls forehead, sucking her teeth thoughtfully. "And your connection to my daughter... It's usually quite strong, is it?"

"Crystal clear, when we need it to be."

"But not anymore? Alright." Rachel said, turning her chair to wheel it back towards the desk. "Leave it with me. Let's see what we can do."

Rachel and Alysha doing magic together- that sounds like a fun recipe XD
Anyway, vote and tell me what you think!

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