Strange Attachment

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Grizelda was screaming.

"I am just trying to clean my teeth!" Nyx yelled back. So here was the catch- Grizelda was now amenable to being picked up, but completely abhorred to the idea of being put down. "Why are you clingy?"

Throwing down her untouched toothbrush on the side, Nyx swept out of the bathroom and into Grizelda's room. Picking up the baby, she seated her on her hip, before returning to the bathroom mirror.

"You don't like me." Nyx repeated, almost more to herself as she said it under her breath.

Picking up her brush, she returned to cleaning her teeth.

Grizelda had stopped crying almost instantly. In fact, the way she had switched it off and on, it seemed like she hadn't been crying at all. Crocodile tears. Nyx wouldn't put it past her.

She's a baby, another part said.

With her wide, dark eyes, Grizelda peered curiously around the room, her little nails digging pinpricks into Nyx's side.

Suddenly, a little baby-hand reached up and wrapped around the handle of Nyx's toothbrush. "Hey, that's mine!" She objected as Grizelda tried to mimic brushing her teeth, before attempting to pull it from her mouth entirely.

Stealing the brush back, Nyx finished up and carried Grizelda back to the nursery, placing her down in the crib. Immediately Grizelda wailed, fighting against the withdrawal of contact; dragging claw marks down her arm and clinging onto her hands even as Nyx shook her off. Nyx hissed in pain. "Now hush. Stay." Grizelda glared darkly, winding up to cry.

Pushing down her unwarranted guilt, Nyx retreated to the bathroom, rubbing the savage scratches on her arm. Unfortunately Grizelda had managed to draw blood, just a little, but it was still worth tending to.

Grizelda was screaming down the hall as Nyx shut herself in the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the bath with a sigh. Alone time. Digging out a cloth, she ran it under the tap and set about cleaning her wounds. Closing her eyes, she lay her head back against the wall and blocked out the sound of the baby.

It was all... so much.

So when the baby stopped crying, it was jarring.

Immediately Nyx leapt up- it should have been a relief Grizelda had quieted, but it wasn't. Fear in her throat, Nyx turned towards the door. As she approached it, there was a little tapping sound on the other side. Near-leaping out of her skin, Nyx yanked it open.

There, on the other side, stood Grizelda; looking up at Nyx, with an expression most pleased with herself.

"You can walk?!"

So I wasn't too keen on the last chapter as I don't think it came across well, but this is I like more. Hope you enjoy! Please like and comment!

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