Something Changed

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The dreams returned to Nyx again that night.

The room was dark, so dark- so dark it stole her breath away. She couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't speak, couldn't move. The walls of the room were closing in, crushing the strength from her limbs and the air from her lungs.
There was something in the dark- a man- a man who, though she didn't know how, she knew was going to hurt her. Like a young faun in the underbrush, she lay frozen; trapped in the gaze of a predator.
In all of her dreams he was always there, and one of these days he was going to get her.

Her knuckles were bloodless white as she gripped the blanket, pulling it up around her like a protective shield. She was small- so small, small and weak, nestled in the mattress with the sides of the bed stretching up around her. Someone was meant to protect her, she knew; but they were not here. Why were they not here? Where were they? Who were they? Who was she? She was small and vulnerable, she couldn't do anything.
The silhouette loomed over her, fixing her with its unseen eyes...

And then something changed.

With the precision of the sharpest knife, a line was cut through the dream; a horizontal wound drawn through the paper-thin fabric of this false reality; bleeding silvery light which scorched against the darkness of the room. And then a longer line, travelling up; and then a third was being drawn across the top; as Nyx watched, entranced by this strange phenomenon.

Something was trying to carve its way in.

Nyx awoke in a panic; her heart racing, adrenaline pumping, breathing like she'd run a marathon, her thoughts going at a million miles an hour.
Immediately she launched herself out of bed, rushing to the door; she had to find him, had to tell him what she saw.

And then she paused, hand on the door handle. No, he's busy.

Turning, she went back to bed; curling up under the covers, where she lay awake until dawn.

So let me know what you think! And don't forget to read my other current work, The Birdcage. There will definitely be some crossover and Easter eggs in both XD

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