The Nursery

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She could feel his eyes on the back of her neck as he followed her up the stairs.

Think, think! First priority was to get to Grizelda, then she could figure the rest out. She had the reflections if she needed them.
... And then what? She had the deep set feeling Grizelda was not going to come calmly. In fact, as she approached the nursery, she felt an intense sense of dread coiling in her stomach.

Pushing open the door, she stepped inside. Grizelda was... sleeping. She was curled up amidst her nest of blankets, peacefully snoozing, eyes closed, mouth slightly open as she breathed, little hands clenched into fists beside her head. Nyx peered at her over the top of the crib, confused- this was not what she had been expecting at all.
Crouching down, she looked at Grizelda through the bars. Something was off. There was no way Grizelda just slept peacefully through all the commotion- not under ordinary circumstances.

"You see? She's perfectly fine." He was standing in the doorway, leaning his shoulder on the frame, an almost irritatingly smug expression in his face. He nodded his head. "Why don't you pick her up?"

Nyx looked at Grizelda for a long moment, before reaching into the crib and picking her up. Grizelda stirred as she did, reacting to the movement, which was reassuring, but she stayed asleep, snuggling into Nyx's shoulder as she held her close. Yeah, this was weird.

"Better now? If it makes you more confident nothing will happen to her, you can hold onto her." He sounded almost mocking. He held out his hand. "Now come, let's talk."

Behind him, Nyx saw a figure stepping out of the mirror down the hall, approaching on silent feet.

Nyx adjusted the baby in her arms, gently rocking her back and forth, hand petting Grizelda's head. "Why's she still asleep? Normally she would have woken up by now."

And that's when Alysha whacked him in the back of the head with the butt of her axe, making him drop.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Nyx said with a relieved exhale. "He said you were gone!"

"Yeah, to your mum's house." Alysha looked down to his unconscious form on the floor. "I should have known something was up- I had a feeling. Come on," She bent down and picked up his arm. "Help me lift him. He's not going to be out for long."

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