At The Window

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"Ugh, I can't believe we lost it!" Alysha exclaimed, gesturing wildly with her hands. Frustrated, she gripped her hair. "You guys are useless at this!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Selene soothed. "We tried our best!"

"Well, it wasn't good enough this time." Alysha grit her teeth, lowering her hands. "I swear, he better be taking good care of my sister. If that thing gets to her, I'll personally remove his eyes." She snarled.

She grit her teeth and rubbed her temple with her fingers, ignoring the objections of Nyx's siblings. Then, something occurred to her and her eyes snapped open.

"I've got an idea." Without even a glance back or a word goodbye, she stalked off; a woman on a mission.


Quietly, she stalked around the outside of the New York institute, eyes scanning the windows for what she wanted.

Then she saw it. Hurrying forwards, she cried out, waving her arms in the air. "Evelyn! Hey, Evelyn! Evelyn!"

Suddenly, the window opened, and a stony-faced Evelyn looked out. "What?"

"I need your help."

"No." Evelyn said flatly, and went to withdraw away again.

"Come on, it's important!" Alysha huffed. "It's to help Nyx!"

Evelyn paused mid- motion and looked back out. "What?"

"You can give me more than one-word answers you know." Alysha grumbled. "I actually quite liked you." She looked back up at Evelyn again. "It's the Draugr. I want to know where they're kept."

"Burnt." Evelyn said simply. "He burnt it down." The expression on her face was challenging. Alysha knew exactly which he she meant."Does this matter? I just want to find my daughter."

Alysha frowned. "But the Draugr are still around. Which means they must be staying somewhere." She looked up at Evelyn again. "... Could you... show me?"

Without a word, Evelyn withdrew from the window. Alysha craned her neck to see what the woman was doing. She heard her move inside the building and shout out into the hall. "Jace!"

Well, fuck.

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