Ice and Fire

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A/N: Fair warning on this one, some gory imagery.

Nyx drifted in and out of consciousness. As she did, fantasy blurred with reality and she saw strange things as her eyes opened and closed.

There was fire, there was ice; she was in pain and she was shaking. Sweat drenched her head to toe; the metallic tang of blood filled her mouth, likely from where her teeth had dug hard into her lip. She could hear her heartbeat in her head, pounding, pounding, racing fast one minute then slowing, so slow the next.

There were vines growing up around her, running up and down her body; they wrapped around her legs, tying them together and down, thorns creeping up over her abdomen, biting deep into her skin, wrapping around her chest and throat, constricting tight.

Then there were tiny feet running all over her, scrabbling and snuffling all over her skin; strange little creatures she couldn't see but she knew, knew they were there. Every nerve was jangling, fizzing, stretching and popping. Nightmarish faces leered at her from the dark.

There was something moving inside her;  she could feel it now. Something turning and writhing in her stomach. Looking down at herself, she saw a hand pressing out against the inside of her skin. After a moment, it retreated, and then a face pushed out against her.

And then there was pain; something was ripping her apart from the insides, tearing her to shreds. It was clawing at her skin, ripping her apart, twisted claws and rotten fingers emerging from her flesh, and as she watched, something horrifying began to crawl out.

-Nyx bolted upright in the bed, and before she even was truly aware of her surroundings, threw her legs over the side and rushed from the room, pushing past someone who had reached out to catch her and ran down the hall to the bathroom, to where she promptly vomited into the toilet. Spitting up a strange, black gunge, she flushed it away, breathing a sigh of relief as she felt someone sweeping back her hair from her face and rubbing her back, crouched down beside her. "You're alright." He said. "You're safe."

"Welcome back to the land of the living!" Alysha spoke from the doorway, arms crossed as she leant against the frame. She looked at the two of them, together in an embrace. "Yeah, now that's passed, we will be having words."

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