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"Who's the other child?" Nyx hissed darkly, once outside the room. Upon her scream, the apparition of a boy had disappeared like it had never been as he had rushed in to see what was happening.

Grizelda was out like a light.

"What other child?" He asked, quietly closing the nursery door behind them, sincere concern in his eyes.

Nyx narrowed her eyes in distrust. "The little boy. Blond, dark eyes, absolutely tiny little thing." She could still feel the ghost of his bird-bone fingers upon her chest.

A slight shiver ran down her spine and she crossed her arms defensively over her front.

Raising his brow, he reached out a hand to touch her arm in comfort. "Are you alright?"

Her face crumpled and suddenly she rushed forwards to wrap her arms around him. "Probably not, no. I... feel really strange."

He shushed her softly, fingers stroking through her curls, and gently, he steered her down the hall, away from the nursery and into his office.

Softly, he deposited her in the armchair, where she sort of crumpled like a marionette with cut strings; before he himself retreated behind his desk, sitting down across from her and reaching out to stroke his fingers lightly across her face with frown of concern, before pulling his work towards him.

It was nice; peaceful, a comfortable quiet between them. A clock ticked quietly in the corner; an engraved, dark, wooden thing with a pendulum swinging underneath, which Nyx watched as it went back and forth. Squinting her eyes, she tried to make out the shapes carved in the wood; was that a skull? Dancing death.

Turning her face away, Nyx stretched languidly, then turned in her chair to see what her was working on, chin on the armrest. He noticed her attention,  pausing his writing in a a leather-bound notebook laid out before him to give her a smile of amusement.

Nyx looked curiously at the book; it was over half full, pages packed with writing; research and diagrams and haphazard notes. Answers.

Noting her gaze, he slyly closed the book and she drew her eyes upwards to his face.

"You see, its quite interesting." He started. "Her blood and mine. They seem to react off each other. When the traces of demon go down in mine, hers goes up. Hers goes down, mine goes up."

Nyx sat up. "What does this mean?"

He picked up the book, pulling it out from under her gaze and stashing it away somewhere below the desk. "It means the demon isn't gone. It's hiding."

Apologies for the lack of update last week! I had university work to complete for hand in, I wasn't feeling my best self and something just had to give. But I think my writing might actually be all the better for the break. XD Hope you enjoy it! Please like and comment!

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