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Nyx almost felt a sense of foreboding as she followed him up the dimly lit stairs- she didn't know why, he seemed perfectly casual, in fact almost soft and jaunty.

"Wakey-wakey..." He cooed, pushing open the door to the nursery and made a beeline towards the crib.
"No, don't wake her...!" Nyx trailed off uselessly as she saw Grizelda was already awake and sitting up on her mattress. He swooped in and plucked her from the bed; seating her in his arms where she very happily snuggled into him, excitedly clinging to his neck. He adjusted her so she was held in one arm, and reached out the other for Nyx to take his hand. Towing her along, he guided them all out and a down the hall towards his office.

Nyx had yet to fully see the inside of his office, and so couldn't help herself slowing and looking around in interest. She couldn't help but feel she was gaining insight into something immensely secret and personal- like she was being allowed a tiny glimpse inside his mind. It was messy- but a kind of productive mess, the disorder of flurried and frantic thoughts picked up and half-explored, before another thought turned him away. His desk was cluttered with devices and notebooks, a space swept clear in front of his chair for him to actually work. Around the walls were shelves stacked with objects and books that drew her interest, Nyx stepping close to look.

In the room there was two chairs- one a wide, winged armchair of lightly patterned maroon fabric. "You can sit there." He said.
The cushions of the chair were soft beneath her and swallowed her up as she sat down. Coming over, he settled the baby gently down onto her lap, tucking her into place as the baby shrilly objected to him letting her go, struggling to cling on.

"That's it, you cuddle up to her. Sit still; be nice." He soothed, turning for a moment to the desk beside them. Reaching out, he grabbed the other chair, pulling it forward for him to sit on. Nyx's hands around her middle, holding her in place, Grizelda reached out towards him, gurgling excitedly.

"Hi." He whispered, smiling, reaching for the baby's outstretched hand. He enclosed one of her tiny ones in his large two. "Yes, hello. Hold her still." The last part was spoken to Nyx.

Nyx barely had time to process what was happening before Grizelda let out a yell, recoiling from him and into her, pulling her hand from his grasp. Unconsciously, her grip tightened protectively around the child, as she watched him slip away a small device hidden in the palm of his hand. "What did you do?"

"You're a lie!" Grizelda burst suddenly, jabbing accusingly with a clawed finger. "Liar! You're not him!"

"... Now do you believe me?" Nyx exclaimed into the following silence.

Sorry the upload is late! Would you believe I forgot it was Monday? XD Granted, I also have a stonking cold on top which  was also making it difficult. Anyway, this one's been planned for a while. Hope you enjoy!

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