Silt In The Water

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"It's not working!" Alysha yelled in frustration, dumping the objects in her hands down on Rachel's desk- one being a handful of coloured crystals, the other being a pair of Nyx's earrings- and slumped down on a stool, head in her hands. "This is awful."

"Calm down." Rachel said calmly, reaching forwards to select a jar off the desk in front of her; unscrewing it to peer at the contents inside. "Getting upset isn't going to help."

"Fucking hell, I know." Alysha groaned. "Whoever in the universe decided to give me powers influenced by emotional control was having a fucking laugh."

Giving her a sympathetic look, Rachel pointed to a bundle of herbs drying on a string above Alysha's head. "Can you break me off a sprig of that?"

Standing from her chair and reaching up, Alysha did so; holding the fragrant leaves to her nose and enjoying the sweet scent before she handed it to Rachel. "What are you doing, making soup?"

"Not quite." Rachel said. "But let's hope it tastes that good."

Filled with agitated energy, Alysha slowly began to walk up and down Rachel's office, pattering her fingers along the ledges, dragging and kicking her feet in alternation as she examined her surroundings with a vague interest.

Behind her, Rachel chuckled. "You're a fidget. Stop pacing, it's distracting." She smiled, striping leaves from the stem and dropping them into a small bronze caldron; as Alysha paused and turned to her with narrow eyes. "I swear you and Nyx both do it. Be patient; we'll get there."

"Too many people tell me to be patient." Alysha said icily. "I don't stand for it anymore."


"That smells foul."

"I am so sorry, but there's not much I can do about that, I'm afraid." Rachel said, ladling strange green liquid from the caldron into a tumbler. "Just pinch your nose and throw it back."

Alysha eyed the drink suspiciously. "What does it do again?"

"It's just kind of realigning and re-energizing..."

"Wait, wait, wait." Alysha objected, putting the cup back down on the table. "You said you were going to do magic."

"It is magic."

"Real magic! None of this hippy-dippy stuff!"

"It is real magic." Reaching across the table, Rachel picked up the drinking glass and tipped the potion back into the caldron. "But if you don't want my help, that's fine. You can go do this by yourself, I have other things I could be doing."

Irritated, Alysha stomped her foot, crossing her arms sulkily- then realised she was getting no attention for it. Finally, she sighed. "Fine, we'll try it your way."

"I'm not asking for much, you know." Rachel said sharply. "You've asked for quite a lot, just coming out of nowhere and requiring me to trust what you say. Now it's your turn; afford me some trust. I know what I'm doing."

With the submissive attitude of a scolded child, Alysha ducked her head slightly. "...You're right. I apologize. I'm not being fair." Quickly, she sunk back into her chair. Then after a pause- "But I really don't see why you're bothering with all this. You have so much more potential; I know you do! This... This is a drop in the ocean and you know it."

"Alysha..." Rachel warned harshly. "We're not talking about it." Ladling out another cupful, she pushed the tumbler across the table towards Alysha. "Throw it back, it's good for you."

"You're not my mum." Alysha teased playfully, taking the cup anyway and raising it to her lips.

"Oh, what a shame." Rachel said flatly. "Stop acting like a child then. Lord knows you could do with some good parenting."

At her comment Alysha nearly choked on her drink; spluttering loudly before doubling over in side-splitting laughter, much to Rachel's bemusement.


Come on... Nyx... Where are you?

Alysha sat upright off the floor, grabbing the gemstone that slid down off her forehead as she did so and throwing it angrily across the room; causing Rachel to squeak in concern. "Careful!"

"It's not working!" Alysha sprung to her feet, clutching her hair in aggravation. "It's still all... murky! Like silty water! Something has silted the water!"

"Nothing has improved it at all?"

"No! The connection is so weak! I can't stand it- I hate it!"

"We'll try something else." Rachel sighed, reaching for a large, very aged book on the low shelf behind her and carrying it to the table where she opened it to a particular chapter, tracing her finger along the words as she read.

"I don't understand." Alysha griped. "This has never happened before! It's like something is blocking it- like someone else is on the line, screwing with the signal!"

Rachel looked up from her book. "Could someone be?"

Alysha paused, unblinking, her mind visibly racing. Suddenly she  rose from her seat, her lips pulled into a snarl. "... I'll be right back."

Honestly, this music feels so Rachel to me, it's unbelievable. I love it!
Tell me what you think of the chapter! :)

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