Low Light

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"Let me guess." The man said, trying to hold a veneer of confidence even as he was tied to the chair in the small, dark room. "You're the guy that if I don't start talking is going to begin cutting off fingers."

"No." Declan said with a smile, flicking open the knife in his hands and looking at him across the room. "I'm the guy who's going to start cutting off fingers just to prove I can, and then you're going to talk."


"How'd it go?" Brutus asked as Dec exited the room, clicking the flick knife closed and tossing it to his large henchman.

"Excellent." Dec grinned. "I didn't even have to touch him and he was singing like a canary. Just how I like them."


"I've such a headache." Dec groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand. "It's unbelievable." He was laying out across the sofa in the low-lit lounge. Little DJ was curled up on his chest, cradled gently by Dec's other hand as he snoozed.

"I'll get some painkillers." Mina said, turning into the hall.

"Could you? I'm a bit trapped." Dec chuckled weakly, gesturing to the sleeping baby clinging to his front, filling the air with tiny snores. Softly, Dec stroked the side of his sons face with a finger, placing gentle kisses on his forehead.
Then, he turned his face to Travis, his friend sitting on the couch across from him. "So, Alysha you say? Yeah, I... know of her a little bit. She's deceptively strong." He pulled a face at the memory. "So she's Nyx's sister? That I believe. And she's helping you search. Are you sure she's not involved?"

"I don't know." Travis sighed. "I don't know anything."

"Well, I have some leads on what might have happened with Luci and my baby." Dec said. "Witnesses to where they were seen last, as well as leads on that woman that attacked your sisters at your house."

"You think it's connected?"

"Honestly, with all these people who've disappeared, I think it's all connected. It's all to coincidental. Some thing's going on." He smiled in an attempt at brevity. "Here's hoping your sister and my daughter are together, they can take care of each other." His face fell and he sighed. "And then of course there's the whole asylum breakout."

"Oh god." Travis groaned. "How's that going?"

"Not well. I'm sorry, Travis."

Travis groaned again; both of them in unison laying their heads back against the sofa and closing their eyes.
Pain throbbed in Declan's temples, his very skull aching. They sat in silence for several minutes, until Travis spoke up again. "So Billy's been telling me he can fly..."

"He can do something, that's for sure." Dec said, snapping open his eyes. "Seriously, how the flip did he get up that tree?"

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