Pour Me Out

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Nyx would be ashamed to admit that her first reaction upon laying eyes on Luci was to let out a short, sharp, high-pitched shriek. Then she promptly slapped her hand over her own mouth to shut herself up, before hissing through her teeth, "What are you doing here?"

Images were flashing through Nyx's mind, overlaying with the woman in front of her: serpent eyes behind the flash of the knife, a demonic Luci standing over her in the hospital garden and the crunch of bone between teeth, Luci rushing in to take him away from her and undo the progress they had made.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I live here!" Luci bit.

"Perry!" Nyx yelled, turning to the stairs. "You better get up here, you have some fucking explaining to do!"

There was a muffled cursing and the sound of Perry colliding with something as they jumped to respond to her words.

Luci advanced on her, menace in her eyes. "Where is he? Where's he taken her?"

"Her?" The gears in Nyx's head were turning. "So that's your baby then? Well, that makes sense. Of course it is!" She scoffed, smiling almost hysterically. "Because the world couldn't cut me a favour just this once!"

Luci was done with the bluster. With a flourish of her hand, she summoned a blade of glistening ice which she leveled at Nyx's throat. The frost bit Nyx's skin, it was so cold. "You are going to show me where they are."

Nyx swallowed, frozen in place from the moment the blade appeared, not a muscle daring to move; her eyes flicked from Luci down to the reflective shine on the blade and then back up again. There was a flash of silver.

Suddenly, hands- Luci's hands- were scratching their way out of the blade, and then Luci's own reflection was pulling itself from the ice; moving almost puppet-like as this uncanny being sought to claw its way up her arms. Luci shrieked and dropped the weapon, the reflection dissolving as the ice shattered as if it had never existed.

Scarlet burned Nyx's irises. "Did you see something?" She snarked.

"... Yeah, we should go." Perry interrupted, appearing at Nyx's side; taking her arm, Perry pulled her away, the two of them hurrying down the stairs.

A/N: It has never occurred to these girls that their powers are actually somewhat complimentary and could work together so well in tandem.
... Maybe it's a good thing they've not twigged that. XD

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