Encounters of the Stranger Kind

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Coming in through the door, Luci had her head in the bag on her arm, rummaging around in the bottom as she walked down the hall. Without looking up, she turned into the living room. "Jays- who the fuck are you?"

Perry covered their mouth stuffed full of jello as they stopped chewing, staring at her wide-eyed from the sofa. "Shit. You weren't meant to be back yet." Perry swallowed. "We're not supposed to have met yet, I'm in the doghouse."

"Okay, dog, who ARE YOU?!"

Perry leapt to their feet, giving a little bow and holding out their hand. "Perry." Perry waited expectantly for a moment, but she neither took the offered hand nor introduced herself. "... and I'm assuming you're the girlfriend."

"I wouldn't say girlfriend." Luci narrowed her eyes, stepping closer into the room. "More like partner."

Perry laughed, a startling, short, sharp bark. "No, no, no, no, I'm the partner." Perry stepped closer, uncomfortably into her space, to whisper faux-conspiritorially. "But I'm feeling we're talking about two completely different things." The warlock pushed past her out into the hall, heading towards the kitchen. "Do you want a drink?"

Luci took in the strange figure before her, looking them up and down. "So what are you? Are you a man or a woman, or..."

"... A fish?" Perry chuckled, flexing webbed fingers as they crouched down to look in the fridge. "I like to keep an audience guessing."

"Of course you do." Luci said dryly, lips pressed together. Turning, she shouted up the stairs. "JAYSON! Are you opening a halfway house for every wayward rogue and vagabond that comes through here?"

Perry shouted up after. "Jayson, can I have some of your fizzy pop?!"

"Not the blue ones!" Jayson called back.

"I don't like the blue ones." Perry grumbled, then, leaning on the counter, waved at Luci  stomping up the stairs, grinning like a shark. "Nice to meet you!"

So Perry's back! Literally have been chomping at the bit for this as I didn't want to reveal anything before the twist in The Birdcage XD
Please, tell me your thoughts!

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