Like Peter Pan

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Billy was dreaming he was flying. Arms spread wide, riding the air currents as he glided over the fluffy white clouds, out across the great expanse painted in a million shades of swirling blue ink. The winds buffeted him this way and that, ruffling his hair with soft fingers and making him laugh with glee as it tickled his sides. Pulling his arms tight into his sides, he shot through the sky like a bullet; rising and diving in accordance with minute changes in his body as he tested out his speed and steering.
The air up there was heady- crisp and clear, cool on his face as the golden sun warmed him from above. Whooping with joy, he rolled himself in midair, floating along on his back and reaching down to trail his hand through the clouds below; they were surprisingly cold to the touch, making him squeal in shocked delight as the dense mist clung to his fingers.

He felt so light; lighter than air and filled with a warm, happy feeling as he floated unaided in the atmosphere, drifting along without a care in the world, wild and free.

Crowing victoriously, the boy turned onto his front and sped through the air, racing further and higher, up and on; rising straight up into the air until with his arms wide he saluted the sun, basking in the warm halo of its glow as he hung high above the world. Up here, everything was his to command; he was untouchable.

Billy awoke with a start to find his face uncomfortably pressed against a hard surface- and freaked when he realised it was his bedroom ceiling. With a shriek, he suddenly dropped from the air, landing hard back on his bed with a loud crash. "Mummy! Daddy! Grandma!"

Declan was through the door mere moments later, to find Billy in a tearful heap. "What happened? What was that sound? Are you hurt?"
Billy reached for him with both hands and Dec came and sat on the bed next to him, cuddling Billy close and soothingly rubbing his back. "It's alright, it's alright. There's nothing to be scared of."

"I woz flying!" Billy said, pulling back from Dec's embrace to look him seriously in the eye.

"Flying?" Dec asked. "Huh, what a weird dream."

"Yeah, it woz!" Billy said, nodding enthusiastically. "I woz flying like Peter Pan! Up in da sky, over da clouds an' up to da sun!" Dec looked fairly confused as to why that kind of dream would cause the young boy any level of distress, but listened patiently, assuming the cause would become evident soon. "But den-" Billy continued. "-I woke up and I was on da ceiling! I was floating!"

"You were floating?" Dec asked, looking up. "On the ceiling?"

"Yes! And den I fell down!"

"Billy, are you sure you weren't still dreaming?"

Billy crossed his arms, voice taking on a sulky tone. "I wozn't. It woz wreal!"

"You were really flying like Peter Pan?"

"Yes! An' I bashed into da ceiling!"

Dec sighed, rubbing his face, then chuckled slightly at himself and the situations he seemed to find himself in. "Honestly, I... don't know what to make of that. Tell you what, why don't we talk about this more over breakfast? We can have pancakes."

Billy thought about it for a moment, the nodded; hoping down from the bed and taking Dec's hand. "No 'nana's on my pancakes."

"No bananas." Dec nodded as they walked towards the door. "Got it."

"I really did fly, you know."

"Did you?"

"I woz flying! I was!

So, what do you think? Really proud of this one, even though my tablet kept messing around with the typing. Gah, technology. Let me know if there's any issues. XD

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