Straight Aim

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Walking into the training room, Nyx following close behind him, he put what he was carrying down on a small table and unrolled it to reveal a collection of throwing knives. "These are mine. If you like them, I can get you your own."

On soft pads, Nyx approached and almost reverently touched one of the handles. Then she looked up at him, eyes alight with eagerness. "How do I use them?"

So as it turned out, she wasn't that bad at knife throwing.

"That's nowhere near the bullseye!"

"It's not that far off either." He mused; walking towards the target. "Let's put it this way." He said, gesturing with his hands. "If this is a person, you've just stabbed him in the neck. Which is pretty effective in a real situation."

Nyx raised an eyebrow. "... Why am I fighting a person?"

"A creature then." He shrugged, pulling the knife from the target.

"Not all creatures are the same shape."

Prowling towards her, he tapped her nose with his finger, smiling. "Take. The. Compliment. Stop being contrary. Rome wasn't built in a day."

Nyx pouted playfully, taking the knife from him and tucking it back into the case; before she turned and followed him onto the mat.

"Okay, come on, show me what you remember." He beckoned her with his hands, squaring up on the mat. Grinning, Nyx bounded into position opposite him. "You got this?" He checked.



"I'm gonna thrash you."

"Oh really?"

Ten seconds later, she was dumped on her back. "Oh, that's not fair!" She laughed. "You distracted me! With your... moving and talking."

"My apologies. I'll inform your enemies ahead of time to stand still and shut up."

"If you could, that would be great." Nyx teased; holding out her hand.

Rolling his eyes with a bemused expression, he took it to help her up.

... And with all her might, she pulled him down onto the mat.

He looked shocked.

"Ha-ha, you said you'd never fall for that!" She gloated, swinging herself on top of him.

He laughed, tipping back his head against the floor. "Alright, you got me."

"Yeah, I got you! You're my prisoner now!" She giggled, pinning him to the mat with her hands like manacles around his wrists. He let her.

"So what are you going to do now?" Her face was hovering millimetres above his own, her wild hair falling around them like a midnight curtain.

She sat up on his hips, pretending to contemplate. "Hmm... let me think..." Then, a wide smile crept across her face, and she leant in to place her lips against his.

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