The Bedtime Story

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Grizelda grizzled loudly, rumbling a snarl as she lay on her back in the crib, scowling at Nyx.

Nyx pretended to ignore it, bustling about the room, picking up strewn items and tidying up. At Nyx's lack of attention, Grizelda increased in volume.

Suddenly Nyx turned around, facing the child. She leant back casually against the dresser, tapping her fingernails against the painted wood. "So. I've an idea. How about a bedtime story?"

Grizelda grumbled. Nyx pushed herself off the piece of furniture and walked towards the crib. "Yeah, it'll be good. You'll enjoy it." She sank down into the long sofa-chair alongside the baby's crib. A twinkle in her eye, she began. "Once upon a time, there was a bird..." 


Grizelda had grown quiet as Nyx told the story. At first she had grumbled, worming her way up until she was sitting upright in her crib, but then, she seemed to have become absorbed, watching Nyx as she spoke and hanging off her every word, fascinated.
In fact, it grew to the point Nyx almost could have forgotten she was there; so focused on crafting the story in a way the child would enjoy.
Part of her was delighted; she now had a way to successfully calm the child. And perhaps now, the girl would grow used to her voice, to see it and her as a reassuring presence.
It was unanimous; all babies, of any kind, liked stories.

In a way, Nyx could relate to the child. It was hard, being displaced at such a young age, having to grow used to a new home. Perhaps, in some way, the story of the baby bird could be Grizelda's story too.

"... And then they all lived happily ever after in the nest. The end." Nyx smiled kindly at Grizelda as she finished. Grizelda just looked at her, as if waiting for her to speak more; then frowned, puzzling over something.

Nyx chuckled. "Story's over. Bedtime now. You can have another tomorrow."

Grizelda's lip quivered; her mouth moving, forming different shapes as if she was trying to make little letters.

Nyx chuckled again, cooing aww, and stood to pick the baby up and lay her down.

Grizelda fixed her with a hard look as Nyx reached towards her. And then- "Where's Mummy?"

Nyx froze; staring wide-eyed at the child, at the child that had just spoken to her.

At Nyx's reaction, Grizelda's face settled into a satisfied look, and the baby repeated again. "Where's Mummy?"

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