Bright And Early Next Morning

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Rachel looked at the 'present' Alysha had given her, turning it over and over in her hands. It was a necklace with a pendant attached to a long string; a strange stone with reflective qualities that turned blue-hued in the light, cut into a rough, non-specific shape. She could sense an unusual kind of energy about it, radiating out from the stone like a magnetic pulse.

Rachel frowned. There was definitely something odd about this, and she wanted to find out what it was. But for now... opening up her jewellery box, she shut the necklace inside.

Travis sat across the table in slight terror from where Alysha was shovelling food into her mouth like she hadn't eaten in weeks. She claimed to have left for the night, but had turned up bright and early the next morning, just in time for breakfast.

"So..." Travis started, as Alysha drowned a stack of unfortunate pancakes in an ocean of maple syrup. "You're Nyx's bio-sister?"


"Well, where have you been the last twenty years? What happened?"

Alysha thought about it for a second, licking syrup off her fingers. "I was imprisoned for the most of it."

Travis blinked in surprise, voice raising an octave in alarm. "In prison?"

"Imprisoned." Alysha corrected.

"In a prison?"

"No." Alysha scowled. "Well, not that kind of prison. There was a situation, where things happened, and I got trapped. But not anymore! I'm free as a bird now!" She grinned happily, excitedly kicking her legs against the chair and scooping spoonfuls of the gooey pancake-mess into her mouth.

"Right..." Travis said, still as confused as ever. This girl was weird.

"And I'm sulking with you, because you sent my sister away." Alysha pouted, nodding to show she was serious.

Travis looked sheepish. "Yeah... We're sorry about that. That really wasn't a good plan..."

"No, it was not." Alysha said sternly; then broke into a smile. "But don't worry, I'll find her."

After licking her plate clean, Alysha hopped down from the table; walking out into the hall to knock on Rachel's office door. "Can I come in?"

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