We Belong Together (Thor Odinson)

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A/N: Hey everybody. I hope you all enjoy this little imagine I put together. Just a little something to help me ease back into writing before taking on the big task of getting this book back on track! I also changed the language up a bit in this one for more of a "refined/regal" feeling!

Prompt: "Your place is on the throne." "No, my place is by your side." 

I took in a slow, harrowing breath. Never, in all of our time together had I seen him this distressed. He continued to pace the gardens, where we took our daily walk. Up and down, up and down. He had woken up like this, agitated, anxious, and worrisome. I wasn't sure if it had been a dream that was causing him to fret or some other matter, but it broke my heart to see him like this. "Thor, darling. Talk to me." I urged, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. When he looked at me, I could see the pain in his eyes. There was none of his usual joy there today, it had been replaced with sadness, and worry. He remained silent as he continued to pace. I knew how hard things had been on him since losing his mother, and not to mention everything that had transpired with his brother. And yet, despite all of it, he had persevered. He had been happy, and resilient. Until now. Months had passed by since then, and I truly did not know what to make of this behaviour.

Showing no indication that he planned to stop pacing the grounds, I took hold of his large hands in my own and pulled him over to sit on the edge of the large garden fountain; somewhere we always came to talk when we were having a disagreement. I forced him down and then sat, turning to be facing him. He still seemed so entranced by what was bothering him. I sighed in frustration, knowing I had to break through to him. I just wanted to help. I caught him looking at me, some of his usual adoration had returned to his eyes, though they were still clouded by whatever bothered him. We sat in silence for a while, taking in the beauty around us. I did not care to push him when he was upset; for I knew he would open up when he had found the words, or when he was ready.

Finally, after what seemed like days, he cleared his throat. "(y/n). What would you do if you had to make an impossible decision?" he asked, seeming defeated by the question. I pondered this for a moment, still not having the slightest idea what he was talking about. "Well, I would weigh my choices. And ultimately, I would do what was right," I concluded. He nodded, not seeming to have found anything helpful in my answer. "What if the right thing would hurt someone you love?" he asked me, quieter this time. "I'm not sure love. I would talk to them about it. Be honest. The person in question would deserve to know." This seemed to resonate with him more. He nodded again, still looking defeated. "(y/n)... I have to make a choice soon. An important one." he declared, taking my hands in his, finally looking up at me. I nodded, encouraging him to go on. "My father has informed me that I have one week to decide if I will take my place as King of Asgard, or if I will forfeit the throne.." he spits out. I was shocked, but I knew that one day this would come.

As much as I had anticipated this day, I had also feared for its arrival. I always knew that one day Thor would be King, we talked about this when we started courting. But I also knew, that when the day came, our lives together would change drastically. Thor and I had been together nearly three years now but were not yet married. If he were to become King, he would be offered two choices. The first being to name me as his queen. We would be married and have a dual coronation, and that would be our life. His second choice would be to end our relationship and spend a year courting some of Asgard's most eligible ladies, before getting married. Suddenly I understood the gravity of the decision he was facing. If he accepted the throne, he wouldn't just be altering his life, he would be altering mine as well. And it was a choice that only he could make, one that no one else could influence, as was our tradition. 

The gravity of our current situation finally slammed into me, nearly knocking the breath out of me. In the coming weeks, I would either be married to a king, and crowned along with him, or single and grieving the greatest love of my life. "Love? Are you alright?" Thor asked me, noticing the panic settling in. I nodded slowly. He signed, running a hand through his golden hair. "I know it is a lot to take in, and I apologize, but I had to be honest with you," he whispered, pulling me into his side. At that moment the tears began for both of us. I feared that he would choose his later option and that in turn, I would lose him. But I knew, that as was custom, I could do nor say anything to influence his choice, lest it be held against him later.

I stood from my seat on the fountain's edge and paused to take in every aspect of the man I loved so dearly. The way his hair shone in the sun, how it looked as if it had been woven out of golden thread. How his cerulean eyes always seemed to sparkle when he looked at me. How he wore his heart on his sleeve, and his emotions openly, how he loved freely and without limitation... I could go on for millennia, but I knew that the only thing I could do now was bide my time, and wait to see what the universe had in store for us. I cupped his strong face in my hands and pulled him up to stand alongside me. I tenderly swept a piece of his hair away from his face, pausing to run my fingers along his cheek. I knew that he had always loved when I did that. I could feel my heart beginning to break as I prepared to do what I knew I had to do. "Thor my love. You would be crazy not to accept the throne. The people adore you, and you care deeply for them. You would make a wise and empathetic ruler. It is your birthright...your place is on the throne." I whispered to him. I placed a tender kiss on his lips before fleeing the gardens, leaving the love of my life to ponder his future free from my influence.

Hours had passed. I tried to occupy myself, but my mind was too consumed by thoughts of what I had done. As much as it had nearly broken me, and been cruel to him, I knew it was the right thing to do. If I had not set him free, he would have forfeited his throne to be with me. I loved him deeply, fiercely. And regardless of what he chose, that would never change, he was my one great love in this life. But I could never have allowed him to forfeit the throne for me; for us. He was meant to be a King, and I could never stand in his way. He would never force me into marriage, let alone into ruling by his side, and I knew that he would have given it all up. For me. For us. But who would I be if I robbed his people of their king? My mother had always told me that if I really loved something, I should let it go. If it were truly mine, it would come back to me. If it did not, then it had never been mine, to begin with. Perhaps, by letting him go, it would allow us to be together again...

I am unsure of when I fell asleep, but I was abruptly awoken by a loud, persistent banging out in the corridor. When I opened the door, Thor came barreling in past me. "Do you love me?" he panted, out of breath. "Of course I do... that's why I-" I said, trailing off, suddenly remembering my cruelty. "If I accepted the throne, would you rule with me?" he asked, still seeming disoriented and out of breath. I would do anything for him, no matter how terrifying. Marry him on a whim, become the Queen to his King if it meant I could be with him. But I could not let that influence him. "Thor... you know I can have no influence in your decision-" I offered. "Would. You. Rule. With me.?" He asked again, pleading with me to be honest. I bit my lip, hesitant to say anything, but I never could deny him anything he asked of me. "I would," I replied. "I know you believe that you cannot possibly ask this of me, because it would force me into a wedding, and a kingdom and so much more but-" I stopped for a moment, pausing to take his hands in mine. "I would take on all of it and more if it meant I could spend my days by your side." I finished, looking down.

He gently lifted my chin up, so that I was looking directly into his piercing blue eyes. "Then let us do it." he proposed. "Thor, I-" I made to protest but he stopped me. "(y/n) darling, I love you. I love you more than anything in this life, or the nine realms combined. And I would give up anything to be with you. I would choose you over everything and anything. So let's chose each other." he looked at me with pleading eyes, but I was still unsure of this. He sighed. "(y/n). My place is not on the throne. It is by your side. You are the ruler of my heart, and wherever you are, is where I too shall be." he declared fondly.

I smiled as I wiped the tears away. I laughed as I decided to throw caution to the wind. "Alright," I said, agreeing to all of the madness that I knew would soon befall me: a wedding, a husband, a kingdom to rule over, and much, much more to come. Before I knew it, he was spinning me around the room with glee. When he finally stopped spinning us, he reached into his pocket and handed me a box. Inside was a radiant, and exquisite diamond ring. My eyes started to water. "This is not the way I would have preferred to ask for your hand, but I assumed you should have this regardless," he said, taking the ring to slip it onto my finger. I embraced him tightly. "Either way, my answer is yes," I told him. He kissed me endlessly until we were both out of breath. My king had come back to me, and I could not wait to spend the rest of my days by his side. 

A/N: I hope every enjoyed this chapter as it's technically my first published piece since I decided to return to Wattpad and start publishing content again! I was super nervous about this and scared that it wouldn't be good but I think it came out alright. Please let me know what you thought of it! As always, I love hearing from you guys!

Until next time, 

XoXo, -L

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