Family Ties (Steve Rogers)

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**Edited and Revised on 01/25/21**

This imagine was inspired by @SHIELD_agent. 

IMAGINE: Being Clint's younger sister and trying to date Steve but Clint is SUPER overprotective of you...

What had started out as something innocent and fun, nothing more than a little crush had quickly gotten a lot more serious. It had all started when Steve had taken a chance and kissed you at the end of your sparring session with him. That was months ago now, and the two of you had been dating ever since. Steve was amazing. He was loyal and kind, and just an all-around gentleman. You always had a thing for him but figured you would never have a chance, until the night where he kissed you. In that time, you had fallen for him even more, and it seemed that he felt the same. You were glad that the two of you had ended up together, and you cared for him deeply, but there was only one little issue that was causing your concern. That concern was Clint. Your nosy, slightly annoying, very overprotective older brother. You and Steve had been hiding your relationship from him since it started, fearing how he would react to the news. He tended to be of the belief that no one was good enough for his little sister, and he had become know for trying to impale past boyfriends of yours.

You groaned at the thought of Clint's antics. "You know if he busts us, he very well may skewer us both alive right?" you say to Steve as you unwrap your hands, before moving over to help Steve with his. "(y/n), we've managed to keep this a secret from a master spy for months. I'm not too worried about it." Steve said to you casually. He was trying to get a laugh out of you, but he didn't know your brother the same way you did. You smacked his chest playfully. "Steve be serious! Clint is not to be messed with!" you protested with a groan. "Agent (your first initial) Barton report to Director Fury's office immediately!" a receptionist's voice rang out over the loudspeaker and you groaned. You probably forgot a meeting or some paperwork. "Gotta run Cap," you said, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. "I'll walk with you" Steve offered and you obliged. "Are we still on for Saturday night?" Steve asked as the two of you exited the gym. "Of course Captain. 7 o'clock" you confirmed, kissing him once more. The two of you made off for Fury's office before he lost his patience and had to page you again. It never ends well when he has to page twice. The two of you hadn't even noticed Clint passing you in the opposite direction. You also didn't know he had heard or seen what he did. But the damage was already done. "I'll find out what the two of you are up to" he grumbled as he stormed off to the weapons range, suddenly feeling in need of some extra target practice, not being able to shake his suspicion that something was up between you two. 

You, your niece, and nephew let out a scream simultaneously. Clint did nothing except throw his head back and laugh. "Clint. Why on earth are we watching this movie?" you barked at your brother, holding your terrified niece and nephew tightly to your side. "Because it's classic and educational," he replied between handfuls of popcorn. You shook your head in disbelief. "Jurassic Park is NOT a children's movie! It's a HORROR movie!" you scolded him. You truly didn't understand how your brother thought this movie was either educational or appropriate for his children. After helping to tuck your niece and nephew into bed, you came back down to continue the horror fest with Clint. The two of you sat and watched in silence before Clint piped up. "Any exciting weekend plans (y/n)? Clint asked casually. "Oh no, he knows!" you thought to yourself. He had asked innocently and casually. Far too innocently and casually.  You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that Clint was not the only skilled spy in the family, and if he could lie, then so could you. "Nope." you said popping the "p" and munching down on a handful of popcorn.  Clint narrowed his eyes at you. "No missions? Shopping dates with Nat? Sparring? Just Nothing?" He asked the last question suspiciously narrowing his eyes at you. You nodded casually" No... I have the weekend off remember? That means no mandatory sparring. Also, Nat doesn't really like shopping... she pretty much goes to give me advice and because I make her." You informed him. "Oh. I guess I just figured you'd have plans that are all" he responded. "Clint, pause the movie, I've gotta go to the bathroom,"  you demanded. 

 While you were upstairs, your phone, which you had left on the coffee table started blowing up. Clint was quick to notice. He snatched it up and quickly started scrolling through the new messages on the screen. "Still on for our date tomorrow night (y/n)? "  Clint read on the screen. His eyes narrowed as he read the cute contact name you had listed for Steve. Turning the phone off and placing it back exactly how he found it, Clint began to stew. "Clint Barton. If you were just doing, what I think you were doing., you're in so much trouble." his wife scolded him in a hissing tone from where she stood in the entrance to the living room. "But she has a date! With Steve freaking Rogers!" Clint protested, but she was quick to shut him up. After your movie was finished, Clint walked you out to your car and bid you goodnight. "Enjoy your weekend off (y/n)." he said as he shut your car door for you and turned back towards the house. After you had driven away, Clint was out on the porch, spinning one of his deadly arrows around in his hands. "I'll show you an electrocuting time Rogers," he mumbled under his breath. "CLINT BARTON, YOU CANNOT TRY TO MAIM OR  MURDER  EVERY MAN YOU SISTER GO'S OUT WITH!" His wife shrieked at him. Not having any of his protesting this time, she snatched the arrow from his hand, and directed him inside and up the stairs to bed. Leaving Clint to brainstorm another clever way to catch you and Steve in your lie. 

When Saturday evening finally rolled around, you and Steve had enjoyed an excellent night on the town. You had dinner together, did some light shopping, and now were strolling casually through Central Park holding hands and enjoying a cup of coffee. "This has been great Steve," you said, leaning your head onto his arm. "I know, I cant wait to do it again next weekend." he agreed, placing a kiss on the top of your head. "Can I see the pictures you took of us?" he asked and you pulled out your phone to show him. "Those are all amazing," he said, and you couldn't help but agree, promising to send them to him. The two of you continued on your walk, paying no attention to anyone else in the park. Hence why you were very surprised when all of a sudden you came face to face with your brother. He was dangling by his ankles from a tree. "AHA! I CAUGHT YOU! I KNEW YOU WERE UP TO SOMETHING!" He screamed. Between the yelling, and being upside down in a tree, he was making an absolute fool out of himself. You sighed and dragged your hand down your face.  Leave it to Clint to ambush your perfect date. 

Sometimes you really thought that you should have been the older sibling. Steve was absolutely mortified to see Clint, and it didn't take long before the two men started to argue. You paid them no attention, you just took a picture of Clint hanging upside down from the tree. He looked like an idiot as he was yelling and flailing his arms, and this would be a perfect image to use for blackmail. Having had enough of Clint's antics, and wishing to put a stop to them, you took a closer look. You noticed that Clint had secured himself to the tree with a rope, presumably for safety. Clint wasn't the only Barton who was good at scheming. Taking out the knife that you always carried in case of emergencies, you silently unsheathed it. Neither man noticed you. Admiring the shiny and deadly sharp blade for a moment, you made sure to set your phone to record before doing anything.

With an assassin's precision, you brought your arm back and let the knife fly. It sailed through the air and sliced its way through its target with ease, cutting the rope that was tethering Clint to the tree clean in half. You laughed to yourself as Clint fell the few feet out of the tree with an "oof". You strode over to retrieve your knife and crouched down to your brother's level. "Never. Try to impose on one of my dates again. Steve and I are together. Deal with it," you said with a stern look. Clint just nodded and groaned. "That takes care of that," you said brushing your hands together while Steve laughed. "Shall we?" you asked, linking arms with Steve. The two of you had a wonderful rest of your evening, and Clint never meddled in your relationship again. Or anyone else's for that matter. 

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