Preference 18: Cute Text He Sends You

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**Edited and Revised on 01/25/21**

Tony Stark

I had been stuck in work meetings from the moment I stepped into the office. They were all incredibly boring, but unfortunately, they were not optional. Such was the glamourous life of being Tony Starks personal assistant. I was hardly paying attention to anything the people around me were saying, much preferring to daydream and get lost in my head. It was then that I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Checking to make sure no one was paying too much attention to what was I doing, I pulled it out to see who had texted me. Even if anyone wanted to say anything, there wasn't much they could do about it if they complained. I was the boss's favorite after all. Speaking of, the text I had gotten had been from Tony. 

"Sorry about the day full of meetings gorgeous. Call me the world's worst boss. But don't worry, as soon as you're done there I'm stealing you away. Look out the window. Love you tons, XX." 

I tried to discretely turn around in my chair to sneak a peek out the window. With just my quick glance out the window, I had seen what he was talking about. Parked outside, right in view, was Tony leaning against his car holding a beautiful bouquet of roses. I took a moment to mouth "I love you" hoping that he would be able to see me. He mouthed it back. It took everything in me to keep the beaming smile off of my face. This meeting couldn't end fast enough. 

Steve Rogers

I dropped my duffle bag onto the loading dock with a dramatic sigh. I was about to head out on a two-week-long mission with Natasha and I wasn't looking forward to it. I loved my job, but two weeks was a long time to be gone. Not only that, I knew that Steve worried about me when I was gone. I could imagine how anxious he would be with me being gone for this long this time around. Not to mention that I had grown accustomed to his company and going without him was always hard for me. Right before I went to step onto the jet I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. 

"Hi, darling. I know that you're about to leave but I wanted to tell you again just how much I love you. Please be safe and come home to me in one piece. I need you. I love you, dearly." 

I stood on the loading dock smiling like a maniac, trying to keep the stray tear that his heartfelt message had brought to my eye. Drying my eyes I went back to giving out orders to my team. The quicker we set off, the quicker we could be done with this and I could get back to Steve. 

Clint Barton

I had been out and about all day. I had gotten up, gotten ready, and headed out the door to catch up on all of the errands that I had neglected these last few weeks. I had finally made it to my last stop of the day, the grocery store, and was headed towards the checkout at long last when I felt my phone vibrate in my bag. Not feeling overly social today, I groaned and pulled it out of my bag to see if the message was actually of any importance or if it could be left until later when I felt like doing it. 

"Hey (y/n), sweetheart, please don't be mad but I've gotta add some things to your shopping list." 

I groaned once again. I had been out all day, and just wanted to get home, and now at the last minute, he was adding to my mile-long to-do list?! He knew I was going out and had so much time to request something and he waited until now? Before I could fly off the handle at him, another text came through. 

"Before you get too mad at me, there's a really good reason for this. I'm planning on making my girl a great meal tonight. I'm just short a few things. Help a hawk out?" 

I rolled my eyes and went off in search of Clint's needed ingredients trying not to be too annoyed with him. True to his word, Clint cooked you one of the best meals you had ever had and it was well worth having to go back through the grocery store. 

Thor Odinson

Although a typical workday for me was busy beyond belief, today just seemed to be something different. I had spent all day running around, tasks were piling up everywhere, everyone needed me for something, and the calls and emails had not stopped coming in. I don't know what it was about today but it had definitely upped the crazy. My phone's screen lighting up drew my attention away from my computer. Deciding it would be ok to take a quick break to peek at my notifications, knowing it would likely be the only break I got today. 

"I'm bringing you lunch at work today. I know you're super busy today, I tried to get through to you several times but your assistant told me how crazy today is. You need a break, my love, see you at one. How does Chinese food sound?"

I was only able to fire off a quick response expressing my gratitude and appreciation for him bringing me food before getting swept back up into the chaos of my workday. After a glance at the clock told me I only had an hour left to wait, I jumped back into finishing as much work as I could so that I would hopefully be able to take my full lunch hour and enjoy not only my food but the company as well. 

Bruce Banner 

Having opposing work schedules with your boyfriend had to be one of the hardest things ever. When he was working I was off, when I was off he was hard at work. How we managed to make it work was beyond me, but I was just glad that we did. But that gratitude never stopped me from wishing he was with me when I was knee-deep in work. It was just one of those days where it was on my mind a lot, my work seeming to take the backseat today as my mind was filled with thoughts of my amazing boyfriend. 

"Hey, I know you're hard at work right now, but I just had to tell you that I haven't been able to get you out of my mind all day. Schedules be damned, you and I are going to dinner tonight. I just have to see you."

I had to laugh at that one. Both of us thinking of each other at the exact same time, both of us unable to get the other out of our heads. I knew going out tonight was a bad idea, I work late and have to start early in the morning, but for him? I suppose that I could go in to work a bit later tomorrow morning...

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