Andante, Andante (Bruce Banner)

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A/N: The last one seemed kind of sad, so I decided I would follow up with something sweet and cute. This is "kind of" one of those song references I talked about maybe doing, so hopefully, it's alright. If you haven't heard "Andante, Adante" by ABBA, I suggest listening to it, cause it's in this imagine! It's also just such a beautiful song, and I think it fit so well for this idea. 

P.S: Id like to mention that the ABBA version of this song is GREAT, but the Mamma Mia! version of the song SLAPS. Excellent cover of the song. 100/10. Give that a listen too. 

Prompt: "Can you sing that song for me again?" 

Sundays. I didn't quite care for them. They meant the weekend was ending, and the new week was almost upon us. Not to mention that by Sunday, all of the things I had left to do for the week, had magically piled up, all competing for my attention and completion before the week ahead came around. Rolling out of our empty bed, I concluded that I had to at least accomplish something today. I wandered out into the main living area of our home, only to be greeted with the mess that had been piling up for weeks in the wake of our very busy lives. "Oh my god, this is atrocious," I said to myself, horrified that we had let it get this bad. Bruce and I were both extremely busy people, so it was unsurprising that our place had turned into a warzone in the last few weeks, but it still horrified me none the less. 

I truly despised cleaning, and it was always more enjoyable and less daunting when Bruce and I worked together to get it done, but Bruce was away on a mission right now, not due to return until late this evening. I sighed once more as I surveyed the mess. "It would be nice for Bruce to come home to a clean place." I mused to myself, deciding that I would just have to take on the task myself. "Jarvis hit the music!" I ordered grateful that Tony had insisted in installing the AI in our home for us. "As you wish Miss (y/n)" Jarvis agreed, quickly complying with my request as our home filled with the first few beats of a beautiful song. 

I began to tidy up in our bedroom and gather the laundry. Singing along with the song as I worked. 

"Take it easy with me, please
Touch me gently like a summer evening breeze
Take your time, make it slow
Andante, Andante
Just let the feeling grow"

I stripped the old sheets from our bed, tossing them into the laundry basket, working quickly to change the sheets as I sang along to the beautiful melody. 

"Make your fingers soft and light
Let your body be the velvet of the night
Touch my soul, you know how
Andante, Andante
Go slowly with me now"

I danced around our shared bedroom as I straightened the new sheets and our pillows, I dusted the bookshelves and straightened things out, continuing to work in time with the music. In no time, our bedroom looked clean and peaceful, a place of relaxation instead of one of chaos. 

The song moved into the chorus, and I belted along, perfectly on key, in the kitchen as I did the dishes, and tidied up our kitchen and dining room. I  took the time to organize cabinets and drawers, as everything had gotten out of order in the last few weeks of our busy lives. 

"I'm your music (I am your music and I am your song)
I'm your song (I'm your music and I am your song)
Play me time and time again and make me strong
(Play me again 'cause you're making me strong)
Make me sing, make me sound
(You make me sing and you make me)
Andante, Andante
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
Oh please, don't let me down" 

The song was so light and joyous that it made cleaning seem like a much less daunting task than when I had started. Having completed the kitchen, I danced my way out into the living room, beginning to straighten up in there. 

"There's a shimmer in your eyes
Like the feelin' of a thousand butterflies
Please don't talk, go on, play
Andante, Andante
And let me float away"

In a short amount of time, I had managed to vacuum, fold up all of our blankets, and put back all of our DVD's and books in their rightful places, pausing once in a while to play a few notes of the song on our grand piano. And finally, our home was neat and tidy, almost as if we hadn't been neglecting it for weeks on end now. 

I stopped my singing abruptly when I spun around and noticed Bruce standing in the entranceway to our freshly cleaned home. "You're home!" I exclaimed excitedly, a bit embarrassed that he had caught me singing and dancing around without a care in the world. I hadn't been expecting him to return until late. "I'm home. And you cleaned the entire place? It looks amazing." he complimented, stepping further inside to give me my standard kiss on the temple. "Are you going to continue?" he inquired. "Continue what?" I asked him innocently. "The song, (y/nickname). I'd love to hear the rest of it." I sighed in defeat and pulled him over to the bench of the grand piano with me. I never could bring myself to say no to Bruce, especially when he always asked so little of me. Despite my prior embarrassment, I began to play the beautiful melody in perfect harmony right where I had left of when Bruce interrupted me. 

"I'm your music (I am your music and I am your song)
I'm your song (I'm your music and I am your song)
Play me time and time again and make me strong
(Play me again 'cause you're making me strong)
Make me sing, make me sound
(You make me sing and you make me)
Andante, Andante
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
Oh please, don't let me down"

Bruce hummed along lightly as I sang, even occasionally strumming a few keys on the piano. I had been trying to teach him to play for a while now, but we were both convinced that it was relatively hopeless. Yet I appreciated his efforts to join me. 

"Make me sing, make me sound
(You make me sing and you make me)
Andante, Andante
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
Oh please, don't let me down
Andante, Andante
Oh please, don't let me down"

I finished the song, softly plucking the last few keys so that the melody gently faded away as the song ended. "Beautiful (y/n). Just beautiful. I just have one thing to ask you." he said quietly, not wanting to speak too loudly in the melodic silence I had created at the end of the song. "What's that my love?" I asked him as I brushed a stray curl away for him. "Can you sing that song for me again? I didn't get to hear the whole thing, and I really, really want to. Your voice is just so mesmerizing" he whispered to me, still sounding in awe of me, the same way he had when he first heard me sing. I chuckled softly to myself. I really never could say no to him. "As you wish, love." I agreed, gently playing the beginning melody to the song, and softly singing along. 

"Take it easy with me, please..." 

I had never seen Bruce look so happy to be home, as he did in this moment. We both revealed in the feeling as I continued to sing, knowing that this, right here, was exactly where both of us were meant to be. 

A/N: I really enjoyed writing this one, so I hoped you guys enjoyed reading it just as much.  A fun fact: this song is actually one of my favorites and I sing it often. ABBA actually has SO MANY good songs that would work for preferences like this, and I'm thinking of doing more of them for different characters. What do we think? 


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