Funny How That Happened (Bucky Barnes)

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A/N: Thank you to @summer_1965 for requesting this! I love getting requests from you guys; it makes me so happy to be able to bring your visions to life! I just hope that I do them justice. 

Warning: Mention of characters sleeping together/nudity. 

Prompt: Reader and Steve have been dating for a while now, but Steve is jealous of the close relationship his girlfriend has with Bucky. Thinking (y/n) is cheating on him, Steve invites Sharon over while (y/n) and Bucky are on a mission. When you come home from your mission, you catch them in bed together. Upset, you call Bucky who comes over and gets in a fight with Steve. 

I sighed heavily as I threw my gear in my duffle bag. I was set to leave for my mission in a few hours, but my packing kept getting interrupted. Every time I was meant to leave for a mission, Steve got upset and picked a fight with me. This happened every time without fail; the same argument over and over again. "You don't have to go!" He yelled in frustration, throwing his hands up into the air. "Yes, I do Steve! If I don't go then a lot of innocent people are going to die! You know that!" I yelled back in frustration as I inspected my weapons and threw them into the bag. "Then take anyone else with you!" He protested in anger. Confused as to why he would say something like that I stopped in my tracks. "He's my partner, I can't. But don't worry, Bucky will be fine Steve." I assured him, going to put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but he stepped away from me. "That's not what I'm worried about," he growled as he walked out of the room. I sighed to myself as I heard the apartment door slam; I guess I would be seeing myself off to my mission today. I checked my watch, my shoulders dropping with regret. I didn't have time to find him and work this out, I had to leave. 

I threw my bag in the storage compartment underneath the seats of the jet. Once again, someone had overloaded the compartment and my bag wouldn't fit. I screamed in frustration and kicked the bag until it fit. "Woah there (y/nickname). You alright?" My friend asked placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine Buck," I growled, throwing myself into my seat and crossing my arms across my chest. "Liar," he said in a singsongy voice as he toed my foot with his from his seat across from me. I rolled my eyes at him. Bucky wasn't just my mission partner, he was my best friend and we were very close; he always knew when I was hiding something. He raised an eyebrow at me as if to say "tell me" without actually speaking. "Steve's all hot and bothered again because we have a mission together," I told him, he nodded along. "Because he's jealous and thinks that we're sneaking around and sleeping together behind his back," Bucky confirmed and I nodded, my head in my hands trying not to cry. "I just cant understand why he thinks I would ever cheat on him, Buck. You're my best friend and I love you but it's different than how I love Steve, ya know?" I whispered, my shoulders starting to shake. He moved to sit beside me. "I know (y/nickname), you would never do that to Steve, you're too kind," he said reassuringly as the pilot let us know that we were coming up on our drop zone. 

***Steve's P.O.V ***

I sighed as I punched the bag over and over again, my fists creating a steady rhtyhm as they beat against the fabric. (Y/n) had been gone for nearly a week now, and I was still consumed by my rage. I couldn't believe that she was cheating on me with my best friend. Logically, there was no other explanation in my mind. They were always spending time together, they were awfully close and were always laughing together, touching each other and always in front of me too! It made my blood boil. I put all my weight behind my punch as my rage spilled over, sending it flying off of its chains and across the room. "Impressive." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to see Sharon Carter leaning casually against the door. "Just working off some steam." I said with an agry shake of my head as I picked up the bag. "What's bothering you Captain?" she asked in a sultry voice as she ran a hand along my shoulders. I shivered at her touch, and her proximity. Thoughts of (y/n) flashed in front of me, and before I could do the right thing, Sharon's lips were on mine, kissing me hungrily. My mind argued with me to stop her, I had a girlfriend, I wasn't that guy. But my broken heart persisted, causing me to deepen the kiss even though I knew I would come to regret it. "You wanna take this back to my place?" I asked, pulling her towards the door. "Your girlfriend won't mind?" she asked teasingly, and I nodded. "Shes sleeping with my best friend anyways. Our days are numbered" I said, as I unlocked the door to the apartment. My lips never left hers as we lost our clothes along the way to the bedroom. My mind slipped to my girlfriend only once before I shut the bedroom door behind us.  

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