The Accident (Clint Barton)

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A/N: I'm gonna tell you guys about the method I used to write this one because I think it's hilarious ok?  I knew I wanted to write today, but I didn't know WHAT to write. So I opened up a randomizer on my laptop. Put in every category of prompt I had. Since all my prompts are numbered in their category, I had it pick a number too. I didn't know which character I wanted to do for this one, so I had the wheel pick that too lol. The wheel made the choices, I'm just along for the ride lol. Without further delay, enjoy. 

(Funny) Prompt: "I feel like I got hit by a car." "Wait. I DID get hit by a car?!" "IT WAS YOUR CAR?"

I awoke to a blinding light and the steady beeping of machinery. Right away I knew what this meant, and needless to say, I wasn't thrilled about it. Desperately wanting to leave, I shot up in the bed. I instantly regretted my decision; the room spun in circles around me and every part of my body felt as if it were on fire. I snapped my eyes shut again, and fell back against the lumpy and uncomfortable pillow, and groaned. When I opened my eyes, Nick Fury was standing at the foot of my hospital bed. That wasn't good. I was one of his best agents and we had worked together for years now. I knew enough about him to know that he wasn't the 'visit you in the hospital' type of guy. Unless something really, really bad had happened. Taking a look around my room, I noticed the various cards, flowers, and potted plants my friends and other agents had dropped off while I was unconscious. I also took notice of Clint Barton slouching against the wall to Fury's left. 

I couldn't fathom what the hell Barton was doing here. We worked together sometimes but we didn't get along that well. He was stubborn, and so was I, and we often fought with each other so Fury tried his damnest to just keep us away from each other when he could. "Welcome back, Agent (y/l/n). How are you feeling?" Fury asked me, not moving from where he stood. I groaned a little as I tried to answer him; my throat was dry and burning and even talking seemed like an exhaustive effort right now. "Honestly? I feel like I got hit by a damn car." I said, leaning back into my pillow more. Barton stifled a laugh. "Agent Barton." Fury warned, his tone sharp. "Sorry, sir. It just amazes me how accurate she is," he said with another stifled chuckle. I snapped my head up towards Fury, my mind reeling. "Wait. I got  hit by a CAR?!" I shrieked. I had absolutely no memory of getting hit by a car. 

I continued to look at Fury in confusion. The last thing I remembered was leaving the main building of S.H.I.E.L.D.S campus and making my way to the parking garage, but the entire property was almost deserted; there hadn't been another person or car in sight. It had been 2 in the afternoon, everyone was still working for the day. "How the hell did that even happen?! No one else was even around at the time? Did a drunk driver make their way onto the campus or something?-" I asked rambling on, unable to comprehend how I had been hit by a car, on a practically deserted campus. Fury just dragged a hand down his face in frustration. Whatever was going on here, he wasn't impressed. "It appears. That Agent Barton needs  to pay more attention when driving on campus." Fury said, clearly seething with rage at the situation. 

I was livid. That smug bastard had hit me with a car and he wasn't sitting in lockup?! Unbelievable! "IT WAS YOUR CAR?!" I screamed,  jumping out of bed. My pain was a thing of the past as the adrenaline coursed through my veins. Before Fury even had a chance to stop me, I had made it across the room and had knocked Barton flat on his ass. "YOU RECKLESS MORON!" I yelled, pummeling him with my fists. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU DONT LOOK FOR CARS VERY WELL!" He yelled back, trying to wrestle me off of him, but in my rage, I was stronger. "I DID LOOK! AND PEDISTRIANS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY ANYWAYS DUMBASS!" I screamed continuing to assault him before Fury decided to intervene and pull me off of Barton. 

Even with Fury holding me back, I still lunged for Clint, absolutely livid that he could be so stupid. "HE. SHOULD BE SITTING IN LOCKUP RIGHT NOW." I hissed as Fury let me go and sat me down on the bed, carefully positioning himself between Barton and me. "Agent Barton will face the appropriate disciplinary measures, don't worry," he informed me and I just scowled. 'As part of his punishment, he will also be seeing to your recovery this week, as I see fit." Fury said, fixing both of us with a stern gaze. "HE HITS ME WITH A CAR, AND YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME SIT IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM FOR A WEEK?!" I exploded, not wanting to look at Barton's stupid, smug face any longer. Fury nodded. "He's all yours, agent (y/n). Have fun," he said before leaving the room. And then it hit me, Fury had given me a present. I could make Barton my bitch for the entire week. And I fully intended to. 

I made sure that Clint had an absolutely miserable week looking after me. And it seemed to work well because the moment they discharged me from the hospital wing with a clear bill of health, he had sprinted out of the room quicker than I had ever seen him run before. "Think he's suffered enough yet?" Nat asked as she came to collect me so that the two of us could go out for lunch. "Absolutely not," I said with a devious smile on my face. Nat considered this for a moment. "Last one to find him buys lunch?" She asked me with a mischievously raised eyebrow. I grinned manically and cracked my knuckles, running down the hallway searching for Barton. I wasn't sure what we would do with him when we found him, all I knew was that with Natasha helping me out, Clint was going to get payback like he had never seen it before. 

A/N: Hi, not a clue where I was going with this but I thought it was funny. IDK, it's content, and I posted so I can be happy about that. 


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