Awkward Beginnings (Steve Rogers)

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**Edited and Revised on 01/26/21**

This was requested by the beautiful @zsupernaturalz 

Prompt: "The reader is taking a shower and when she gets out Steve is right by the door and she slips on the water when she gets out because of her dripping wet hair and she lands right on top of Steve, and of course Tony happens to be standing there taking blackmail pictures for the future."  Plus a  cute alternate ending at the end that involves SteveXreader!Married. Written in your P.O.V for once to spice it up. 

I sighed in bliss as the warm water ran down my shoulders, washing away the stress and tension of the day. Our missions were getting harder, longer, and more demanding as time went on, and Hydra was getting stronger. It was one of my many stressors lately, but despite the fact that Hydra was gaining strength, Steve always told me not to worry about them. I was losing faith as they grew stronger, but Steve was always optimistic. "Don't worry too much about Hydra Y/n. We're stronger than them. They're no match for us." A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as my mind wandered to Steve. My brain filled with stills of his perfect blonde hair, vibrant blue eyes, loving personality, amazing physique... the list went on and on. 

I shook my head violently, trying to clear my mind of Steve. Steve and I had quickly become close, and before I knew it, we were leading missions together. We had much in common. Both of us had been completely ripped out of the world we had known and thrown into a strange new one. Which made it easy for us to find comfort in one another. He had come from a different era and let's just say I wasn't always on the right side of the fight.  After almost being killed by a former employer, S.H.I.E.L.D offered me an out. Come and work for them, or have agent Barton lodge an arrow in between my eyes. Steve was amazing, and I valued our friendship, but my feelings for him ran deeper a lot deeper than I was prepared to tell him. 

How could I not have fallen for him? When I started at S.H.I.E.L.D, not everyone had been kind to me because of my past. But from the moment we met, Steve hadn't treated me any differently. And yet, despite our connection, I was fairly certain we would never be together. Sighing in defeat, I turned the shower off. It had done me a world of good in ridding me of some of my tension, but it did nothing for the emotional turmoil that raged within my heart. I stepped out of the shower and toweled off. I pulled my ripped jeans and sports bra on, and then heard a knock on the door. Not thinking about a shirt or my soaking wet hair, I left the bathroom to see who it was. 

When I yanked the door open, I found Steve standing in the hallway. "Hey what's up?" I greeted casually, suddenly becoming very aware that I wasn't wearing a t-shirt, and that my hair was dripping all over the floor. I stepped out into the hallway to join him. Steve smiled. "Hey, I was just coming to see how you were holding up after today. I know it was hard." he offered as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded along in agreement with him. He knew these last few missions had been especially hard on me.  "You did your best. That's all anybody here can ask of you. And you did just that. You went above, you always do."  He said trying to assure me.  My hair was slowly drying as we talked, the water accumulating on the floor unbeknownst to me and Steve. After our conversation had run its course, I went to say my goodbyes to Steve so I could retire to my room for some sleep. I moved to take a step closer to Steve so I could hug him and thank him for coming to check on me. But before I had the chance to fully embrace him, I slipped in the water that was now covering the floor. 

Seeing what was about to happen, and thinking fast, Steve locked his arms around my waist, flipping us around before we even had a chance to hit the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the worst. "Hey (y/n), you can open your eyes now" I heard Steve whisper in my ear. When I opened my eyes, Steve was lying on his back, but he seemed unharmed from the fall. And I was lying, half-naked on top of him in the middle of the hallway! For a moment I couldn't move, I couldn't even say anything, I was so embarrassed. Time seemed to pass slower than usual as we laid there unmoving. That was until we heard an all too familiar sound. I whipped my head around, suddenly in motion again. There was only one person in the entire building chaotic enough to take a picture of someone in such a vulnerable moment. My body filled with rage, and as it coursed through my body like fire, I was up off of Steve in an instant. "STARK!" I bellowed as I slammed into him, knocking him to the floor with me. "PHONE. NOW." I growled as I straddled him pinning him in place. Tony couldn't have that picture, he was one of the few people who knew how I felt about Steve, and I feared what he would do with it. "Give me the phone." I hissed in his ear as he pushed me off of him and handed me the phone. This was easy, too easy. I kept my foot planted firmly on his windpipe to keep his form escaping and started to scroll through the gallery on his phone. There was nothing there. No picture. It wasn't anywhere on his phone. "Where is it Stark?" and Tony just laughed. "Oh, you mean the picture?  Jarvis has that. For safekeeping of course." I just glared at him.

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