Duet (Tony Stark)

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A/N: here we go again with the song preferences! Yes, I used another ABBA song because they just seem to work so well for these! Song is "Lay All Your Love On Me" but with Dominic Cooper and Amanda Seyfried singing. Cause that version is HAWT lol. I suggest listening to it if you haven't heard it before. 

Prompt: Tony confesses his love for you while singing a karaoke duet with you. 

I opened the door to the bar and was immediately met with the sound of loud, pulsing music. The team had decided that a night out was in order, and somehow the chosen place to go had ended up being a karaoke bar. I don't know who was responsible for that choice, but I cursed them mentally.  I had been reluctant to come at all, but everyone had insisted that it would be as fun if I didn't come. So here I was, walking into a karaoke bar and preparing for the worst. I spun around slowly as I surveyed the room; hoping that I wasn't the first person to arrive. Just as I spotted a few familiar heads, a familiar face popped up in front of me. "You made it!" Tony said with a smile, leaning in and kissing my cheeks. God, my best friend was such a flirt!  "Yeah, yeah I know. You were expecting me to bail." I said with a knowing laugh as I followed Tony to the bar for a drink before sitting down. 

Tony pulled out a chair for me, before sliding into his own beside me. We sat there enjoying drink after drink and great conversation as we listened to various singers. Some were good, and some were just god awful. I was surprised at how many members of our team were willing to get up to sing, not to mention how many of them were actually decent singers. "Hey, we should sing a song," Tony said, nudging me in the ribs. "Are you insane?" I hissed at him spitefully. "You have a great voice. We could do a duet!" He said gleefully, hoping I would cave. "I need AT LEAST 3 shots of (your favorite liquor) before I'd ever agree to that,"  I informed him with an eyeroll. In record time, Tony was up from his seat and back at our table, holding six shot glasses. "Three each. Bottoms up (y/nickname)." He said with a wink as he threw back his first shot. I followed suit; each shot burning the back of my throat but filling me with courage as my intuition faded away. Before I knew it, I had taken Tony's hand and was following him up onto the stage. I hadn't even registered when he had signed us up, and I panicked as I realized that I had no idea what song we were singing. 

The stage lights were warm and blinding but after the shots, the size of the crowd hardly phased me. I had enough alcohol coursing through my veins that I didn't care. And of course, I had Tony with me which made everything better. Tony and I had been inseparable since we were young, so naturally, when the Avengers was formed,  he asked me to join them and I followed him. And now here we were: tipsy and about to make absolute fools out of ourselves. And then I heard the opening melody of the song. I began to shake my head in disbelief while Tony smiled like a maniac. "You didn't," I said trying to sound disapproving, but my slight smirk gave me away. Tony didn't answer, he simply launched into the song with a smirk. 

"I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every man  I see is a potential threat
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
But now it isn't true
Now everything is new
And all I've learned has overturned
I beg of you" 

I was in shock. In all of our years of friendship, I had never heard Tony sing. But he had an incredible singing voice; it was smooth and sultry, and enough to make anybody melt. I closed my eyes momentarily and pushed my feelings down. I had been in love with Tony for as long as I could remember, but he was Tony. I knew that he would never see me as anything other than his best friend, and I couldn't bear to lose him so I did nothing about it. But hearing that voice of his, and those words, everything I had fought to hide for so long was slowly rising to the surface; my inhibition being in no shape to stop it. 

"Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me" 

We sang the chorus together in perfect harmony, our voices melting together. The audience and our team were loudly cheering us on. I silently cursed Tony for picking a song like this. I was hit with a sudden pang of sadness. It was unfair of him to pick a song like this: it felt teasing and cruel. The song was hot and romantic, both things I could never be with the man I had loved for so long. Pushing my sorrows aside once again, I took a deep breath readying myself to sing the next verse. 

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