We Found Forever (Clint Barton)

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A/N: Just another quick imagine that I whipped off late last night, in the spirit of getting back into writing. Expect to see a few of these in the coming days; I've stumbled onto a few prompts that inspired me. This is kind of a 'continuation' of something I've written in preferences but I couldn't help but think it fit with the prompt. 

Prompt: Stay here with me. For the rest of our lives. 

I bounded out of bed the moment my alarm clock declared that it was 7:00 AM. I had always been a morning person. But Saturday mornings? Saturday mornings were special. Every Saturday, Clint, my fiance, and I spent the day together. We usually got coffee and breakfast and spent the rest of the day doing whatever our hearts desired. But this Saturday was different. Clint told me that we'd be getting coffee and breakfast to go from our favorite place, but that he had something special in store for the rest of the day. This struck me as unusual, given that we hardly did any planned activities on our Saturdays, but I went along with it regardless. He told me to dress comfortably so I tossed on leggings, a tank, and one of Clint's oversized flannels before taming my hair up into a neat bun. I could hear Clint outside, already in the car and honking impatiently. I grabbed my sunglasses and bag and was out the door to join him.

True to his word, we started our day with our favorite breakfast sandwiches and lattes before we were back in the truck in record time. I couldn't help but notice Clint was quiet and less sociable than usual today. I played it off as him just being tired, or a rough week at work. It was still peculiar though, despite him being quiet by nature, I was the one person he never shut up around.  After ten minutes or so, I started to notice that we were definitely on our way out of the city. I couldn't help but wonder what we were doing driving in this direction, and Clint offered no indication. After about 10 more minutes, Clint took a sharp right onto a dirt road- no a driveway. When we got to the end of the long driveway, he put the truck in park and hopped out, coming around to open my door for me. I got out cautiously, slowly surveying my surroundings. 

A big, and stunning farmhouse sat in the center of the property. It was surrounded by rolling hills and fields on one side, lush forest on the other, and even appeared to have its own lake. Not to mention the rustic old barn on the far side of the property. It must have gone on for miles, as all I could see was farmland. All I could manage was a "wow." I had grown up in the countryside of my hometown and had always been amazed by nature. But there was something about this place that seemed magical, and it took my breath away. "Nice right?" Clint asked, finally piping up as he rocked back and forth on his heels in the grass. "It's beautiful, but what the hell are we doing all the way out here?" I asked him. He didn't answer, just walked around to the box of his truck to grab something. A sign, and a mallet? What the hell was he up to?  Growing impatient, I tried again. "Clint. This is probably trespassing." I informed him, not wanting to get caught and explain to Fury why we had been arrested for trespassing. 

When Clint finally stepped away from whatever he was doing, I was even more confused. He had hammered a big "SOLD" sign into the ground a few feet away from where he stood. For a moment, I wondered if Clint had taken up selling real estate in his free time, but I doubted it. I knew my fiance better than that. "Clint... what did you do?" I asked him, using my stern tone that almost always made him spill his secrets. " I bought a farm." he offered quietly, scratching the back of his neck. "YOU BOUGHT A WHAT?" I shrieked. "A farm." He clarified as if I hadn't heard him the first time. I just stared at him in shock. My fiance had woken up one day and decided it would be a good idea to buy a farm. I couldn't believe him- my thoughts were interrupted by Clint grabbing me and pulling me towards the farmhouse.

Despite its simple outward appearances, I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw when I followed Clint into the house. The inside had been completely refinished to be rustic and modern. The perfect mix of farmhouse decor, without being tacky or over the top. It almost looked- exactly how I would describe my own design style. Just when I thought we had finished, Clint pushed open a grand set of double doors, revealing the master bedroom. It had everything you ever could have wanted in a bedroom. It was spacious, had a beautiful reading nook, a walk-in closet that was to die for, and the ensuite bathroom was basically a spa. I stepped out onto the gorgeous balcony that overlooked the property lake and surrounding fields of wildlife. Leaning over the railing, I took in all the beauty. "Beautiful isn't it?" Clint asked me, snaking his arms around my waist and nuzzling his nose into my neck. "It is. I could spend forever here, it's so peaceful." I sighed out, loving the serenity of the place. 

Clint gently spun me around to face him. "Then do it." he blurted out. "Excuse me?" I asked him. He sighed. "Stay here with me (y/n). For the rest of our lives. It can be ours." he whispered, with his forehead now pressed to mine. "You really mean that?" I asked him in disbelief. "I do. I didn't buy this place for me, I bought it for us," he whispered. "Well, in that case, it's perfect." I agreed. "Wanna help me with some renos? I have a few more projects in mind," he asked, I nodded enthusiastically and followed him out of our new room. He lead me down the stairs and back out of the house, heading towards the old barn. "I had an idea-" he grunted, trying to get the doors open.  When he did, he dragged me into the empty barn excitedly.  "Can you imagine it?" he asked excitedly. I laughed, "Imagine what?" he grabbed me by the hands and spun me around a bit. "Getting married here," he whispered.  His eyes lighting up as he described the vision in his head. Suddenly I could picture it, having our wedding here. The place just needed a little bit of work. I nodded as I grabbed a hammer, ready to get to work. This Saturday had been weird for sure, but it had also been everything I hadn't known I needed. 

I hope you all enjoyed it!

Until next time, 

xoxo, -L

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