Wildest Dreams Bucky Barnes)

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PROMPT: Not even putting a prompt because IDK how to explain this concept so I'll explain it at the end, or you'll get it when I read the ending. This gets ANGSTY so fair warning. Based very much on 'Wildest Dreams' by Taylor Swift

He said, "Let's get out of this town

Drive out of the city, away from the crowds"

I thought heaven can't help me now

Nothing lasts forever, but this is gonna take me down

I can still remember the day with perfect clarity; every minimal, picture-perfect detail. I remember the way that the golden evening sun looked as it played with the copper undertones in his long hair, how it pulled out and emphasized the gold flecks in his cerulean eyes. How the bustling city seemed to be at a standstill; as if everything besides the two of us had come to a halt as we stood on that rooftop overlooking the city. I remember the feeling of the gentle autumn breeze as it kissed my exposed skin as it blew by. My eyes flutter shut as I remember the feeling of his hands on my hips, the scruff of his beard as he nestled his face into the crook of my neck, breathing in the subtle, floral scent of my preferred perfume; the one he had picked out himself.

I remember how I could feel his gentle chuckling reverberating through his chest as something amusing enough to pull a rare laugh from him crossed his mind. "Let's get out of this town" he whispered in my ear, his voice hardly audible above the blowing autumn winds. I turned to face him, my brow raised in a skeptical but joking fashion. Whenever he was in a mood like this I could hardly bring myself to refuse him; it was so rare for him to feel like himself, to want to let loose and live freely. "C'mon doll, we should do it. Drive out of the city, away from the crowds." He urged, a mischievous proposition evident in his tone and in his beautiful blue eyes.

I knew how foolish it would be to abandon all reason, drop everything and just take off with him. I knew it would be irresponsible. And yet, before I could let my inner voice of reason get its hooks in me, I was hand in hand with him, running from the rooftop, heading off to god knows where knowing that not even heaven could help me now as I had just thrown myself off the deep end. But it didn't matter: because even if heaven could help me, I didn't want it to. I hadn't intended to fall this hard for him or to even get involved in him. I knew the risks, I knew what I was doing. And I also knew that nothing lasts forever, and yet here I was, fully prepared to let this whirlwind romance take me down anyways... 

He's so tall and handsome as hell

He's so bad but he does it so well

I can see the end as it begins

My one condition is

When I first saw him, I knew without a doubt that I was screwed. I hadn't wanted to get involved, hadn't wanted to come here but I was hardly the kind of person to say no to a friend when they asked a favor of me. "Come on (Y/N), lighten up, we're just here for the transport, in case Steve needs us" Natasha reminded me as she elbowed me in the ribs. I let out a grunt of dissatisfaction under my breath as I stood guard in front of the empty airport terminal. This had been the last detail I wanted: I was tired and jet-lagged due to my late arrival from my last mission, and yet somehow I had allowed myself to get suckered into transport detail with Steve and Nat as they brought home Steve's long lost best friend with an...interesting past. Another bad boy with a bad past was the last thing I needed to get involved with right now; friend of a friend or not.

I vividly remember how quickly my bitter disposition went out the window when I saw him walking towards me. I had expected a troubled bad boy, yes, but I hadn't expected him to be gorgeous. He was nearly as tall as Steve, and everything about him was handsome in a ruggish sort of way. Everything about him from his look, to the way he walked, screamed bad boy but I had never seen anyone do it better than he did. And yet under all of that, there was...something else. Someone yet to be discovered, and someone that I just had to know.

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