Power (Bucky Barnes) 100th Chapter Special

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A/n: Talk about out of my comfort zone?! But either way, Im glad I wrote it and I think it turned out beautifully. Hopefully, you all like it.  Cheers to 100!

I instinctively pulled my cardigan closer around me as the cool night wind nipped at my skin. It was unseasonably cold tonight, and I knew I shouldn't have been outside but my thoughts were relentless and I couldn't bring myself to sleep. Staring out from where I stood on my balcony, I allowed myself to slip away, calling back the painful events of a few weeks prior. The memory was vivid as it slammed into me, my heart panging in my chest as I remembered. 

I stood on the flight deck, shielding my eyes from the rising sun."Steve, I don't want to do this" I whispered as I sensed him approaching. He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I know it's hard to say goodbye (y/n), but it's just for a little while ok?" Steve said and I nodded in solemn agreement. Despite his reassurance, I could feel Steve's unease radiating from him. I knew we were no longer alone the second Bucky stepped onto the flight deck: I could sense him. "My best girl here to see me off?" he asked with a laugh and a smile, but I could see right through him: he was just as scared as Steve and I for what was to come. I smiled as I stepped into his embrace "I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye," I mumbled into his chest. 

In the short time since I had known him, Bucky had quickly become my closest friend, we simply understood each other in a way no one else did. And now he was leaving me. I knew it wouldn't be forever, but I couldn't help the feeling that once he left, I would never have him back. Bucky knew everything about me; almost. In the time I had known him I had told him nearly everything about me. Except for the truth about the powers I possessed and the fact that I was hopelessly in love with him. I hadn't wanted to scare him off, and now he was leaving, and I still didn't have the nerve to tell him the truth. I watched in silence as Bucky walked up the ramp of the plane with Steve. "Bye (y/n/n), I'll see you soon." He called to me as he continued to wave until the door had closed.  I stayed on the flight deck watching the plane get smaller and smaller as it disappeared over the horizon. 

I gasped a bit as I snapped back to reality, the cold air quickly reminding me where I was. It had been over a month since that morning now, and I had still yet to adapt to life without Bucky's presence.  I tried everything to keep my mind occupied, but nothing seemed to serve as a sufficient distraction. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of F.R.I.D.A.Y announcing that I had an incoming video call. Despite the fact that I hadn't heard from him in over a month, I ran into my room irrationally hoping that it would be Bucky on the other end. I longed to hear his voice, to see his face; even for a moment. When I picked up the call, I was met with the smiling face of my best friend. "Ah, you were expecting someone else," T'Challa teased, observant as ever. I nodded, knowing there was no point in trying to lie to him, he knew me too well for that. "You miss him." He stated once again, not bothering to phrase it as a question: he already knew the answer. "I don't know why you insist on asking me questions you already know the answer to T'Challa." I scolded as I fiddled with a lock of my hair. He laughed a bit at this, "Because my friend, I am curious to see what answer you will give me." he stated simply. 

I rolled my eyes as I took a seat on the ottoman at the end of my bed. "What can I help you with your highness?" I asked jokingly, knowing that if he were calling me at this hour, he was likely in need of a favor. "I need you to come here," he replied simply, causing me to stand up in shock. "It is nearly three in the morning!" I complained, but he was unphased. "Not to worry, this is important. I sent Okoye ahead for you," he informed me. I rolled my eyes at his persistence. "What's so important that it made you send your best general ahead for me?" I pried, my curiosity piquing. T'Challa took in an annoyed breath at my stubbornness: I had never been the best at simply doing what was asked of me and we both knew it. "It's your soldier. He needs you," he explained in a soft voice. 

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