Loki Laufeyson: Catchup Chapter

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*** Edited and Revised on February 21 2022 ***

How You Meet

My hands shook as I walked alongside my parents. I still couldn't believe that they were making me do this. I understood where they were coming from, and why they had to do this, but it didn't make me any less surprised that it was actually happening to me right now. When we arrived at the entrance, my father stopped a few feet away from the guards and knelt down to my level, placing his hands on my shoulders in an attempt to be comforting. 'Now remember (Y/n), this is incredibly important. We are doing this for your own good; so that you may have a better future. I know you're afraid but I promise only good things will come from this." I hugged both of my parents goodbye and dried my few tears. And then trying to be the picture of confidence, I squared my shoulders and stood up tall as I introduced myself to the palace guards and explained to them why I was there.

I was shocked when I saw the inside of the palace. In all my life I had never stepped inside. My parents often came to gatherings here but they had always forbidden me to come with them. So you could imagine my surprise when they woke me up on the morning of my eighteenth birthday and announced that I would be joining the royal court a mere week later. They claimed that it would give me better oppurtinies and grant me more knowledge in life, but I knew the real reason that they had sent me. They had sent me to join Queen Frigga's court in hopes that I would find myself a husband. I had tuned away all of the suitors they had set up for me in the past, so feeling that they were out of options they had decided to turn me over to the royal court.

I knew that this was an incredible honour, but I couldn't help the sour feeling in my stomach as I waited in the entryway; inspecting my dress for even the smallest of imperfections. Although I had never met her, I knew that Queen Frigga had a reputation for being incredibly kind, and a wonderful woman. So for that I considered myself incredibly lucky to be studying at her side. I knew that being part of court was a rare opportunity that would teach me a lot about various subjects, decorum, and royal ruling besides just trying to find me a husband, so despite my parents initial reasoning for sending me here, I tried to look forward to all of the things I would learn during my time here.

With every passing moment that I spent waiting for Queen Frigga, the more anxious I grew. I could only imagine how busy she was as Queen but every minute I waited for her to greet me was agonizing. "Miss (Y/l/n)?" I heard my name being called by a voice that was smooth as velvet. Upon hearing my name I turned around I had to keep myself from staring too hard at the person who had called my name. The only word I could think of to describe him was beautiful. Perhaps a few years older than me he was tall, with dark curly hair that was neatly styled. But what grabbed my attention the most was his eyes; they were a colour of green that I had never seen before. Any word I used to describe those eyes would hardly do them justice. It wasn't until he called my name again that I became aware of my staring.

When I finally snapped out of it I was only able to mumble a half hearted apology that made me look even more ridiculous. "I apologize, I suppose I was a little bit nervous" I explained, trying to make myself appear composed. The young man only laughed at me. "That's alright, I would be nervous too if I were in your position." He said, clearly not bothered by my lack of composure. "My mother is finding herself a bit overbooked today, and asked me to see to your tour on her behalf" he said as he extended an arm for me to take. "Your mother...so that makes you..." I said trailing off trying not to look ridiculous. This only seemed to amuse him more. "Prince Loki of Asgard, yes. Now, shall we?" He said, extending his arm to me once again so that I could link my own arm through his. I did just that and easily fell into step alongside him, suddenly finding myself thinking that life as part of the royal court might not be so bad after all. 

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