Stop Fussing (Loki)

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A/N: Thank you to @IHASTIGERS for requesting this cute lil Loki imagine. Sorry, this one is kind of short, but I think it's cute. 

Prompt: After being captured by the Avengers with Loki, you platonically braid his hair to pass the time. 

I paced the containment chamber with irritation; nothing bothered me more than being stuck in a small space. I rolled my eyes at Loki every time I passed him by. "This wasn't my intention you know" he offered from where he was standing. "Yeah well, this isn't exactly what I had in mind when you mentioned a trip to Midgard," I said with a scoff and another eye roll as I passed him by once again. "Well sometimes things don't go according to plan," Loki said with a casual shrug of his shoulders. I stomped my foot as I turned to look at him. "Yeah well, I never would have come here with you if I knew what your real plan had been you psycho!" I shouted, annoyed that I had somehow been roped into Loki's ridiculous scheme. 

Loki sighed in defeat as he sunk down onto the ground, motioning for me to sit with him. I sighed as I caved and sat down beside my friend. Loki and I had always been as thick as thieves; we had known each other since we were young. So despite me not knowing his intentions for Midgard, I didn't think twice when he asked me to follow him there. And now here we were: sitting in S.H.I.E.L.D lockup after being captured by the avengers. "For the record, I am sorry," Loki said with a small but seemingly genuine smile in my direction. "I have followed you without fail since we were children. What did you expect?" I asked him, nudging him in the ribs. 

I had officially lost track of time. I had no idea how long we had been in lockup, or what would be next for us. We hadn't seen anyone since we had been forced into the so-called continent chamber. All I knew was that it was becoming incredibly bored, and increasingly claustrophobic. "You're becoming uncomfortable," Loki stated simply without looking at me, I hummed along in confirmation. I had thought I was hiding it well, but then again, no one knew me quite like Loki did. I racked my mind for ways to keep myself occupied and distracted and not focus on the anxiety I felt creeping up on me. 

I had to do something to distract myself before the anxiety had a real chance to set it. "Sit in front of me" I ordered Loki, gesturing for him to move in front of me. Shaking his head, he did as I had asked and sat down cross-legged in front of me. I began to absentmindedly run my fingers through Loki's long, soft hair. "Really (y/n)?" he asked as he chuckled. "It calms me. You know that." I said softly as I continued to fiddle with his hair. He laughed along with me as we reminisced. For as long as we had known each other, Loki had always let me play with his luscious hair whenever I was distressed. It calmed me to know that despite everything that had happened today, that part of my best friend hadn't changed. 

Loki remained sitting perfectly still as I continued to play with his hair, serenity washing over me slowly as I did so. "What are you doing?" he asked I began to twist strands together. "Braiding," I said curtly as I continued to weave strands of his silky hair together. Loki scoffed, moving to stand up. I simply pushed him back down. "You got us into this mess, it's the least you can do Loki," I argued as I pushed him back down to sit in front of me. He sighed reluctantly and sat back down in front of me. "Why must you torture me, woman?"  he asked his annoyance clear in his voice. I smacked him on the shoulder. "Oh shush. I'm simply braiding your hair." I scolded as I continued the pattern. I continued braiding, undoing, and playing with Loki's hair for the remainder of our time in lockup, no longer feeling as if the walls were closing in on me. And by the end of it, I think that even Loki could agree that he was quite relaxed. 

A/N: I think this was cute, but IDK. I've got a lot going on rn and it's pretty stressful, but it was nice to be able to write something. Sorry for being MIA for a hot minute y'all. 

I hope everyone is well.


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