Freedom Can Be Scary (Bucky Barnes)

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A/N: There's gonna be some light cursing in this one, so just a heads up. Usually, I wouldn't but it was in the prompt so now the ideas in my head and we're gonna roll with it. Enjoy! 

Prompt: "What's it like to finally taste freedom?" "Fucking terrifying."

I sighed in bliss as I stepped out of my car and took in the warm sunlight that was radiating down on me. The sun was shining, and the weather was agreeable for the first time in what seemed like forever. It was perfect weather for what today commemorated: Bucky Barnes was leaving treatment. After his return and capture, my good friend Steve had shown up at my door with Bucky in tow, begging me to try my best to undo the damage Hydra had done. I was the leading psychiatrist in my field, not to mention the area, and Steve hoped I would be able to help his friend. I knew I would have my work cut out for me, but I couldn't bring myself to turn Steve, or his friend away.  I brought Bucky to the treatment facility I managed and worked tirelessly to help him. Steve was often around to help with the process, and slowly but surely, Bucky started to remember who he was, and come around to his old self. Bucky worked incredibly hard in therapy and treatment to work through everything he went through, and it showed. 

And now after spending the last 5 months trying to help him, I was here to bring him home. Steve was away on a mission in Germany, so I had volunteered to fill in for him. Neither Bucky nor Steve had protested, so here I was. Although I had designed most of the target-specific treatment for Bucky, I had little to do with implementing any of it. It was my attempt to remain impartial in the matter given my friendship with Steve. Instead, I supervised his progress and checked in with him regularly; more like a friend. I tried to build a bond between us because I knew he would need more friends on his side when he got out, but I also wanted him to be comfortable around me since Steve and I spent a lot of time together. "Ready to go home, Sarge?" I asked him excitedly as we stood on the steps to the facility, just basking in the sun. "Not yet." He admitted, his hands shoved casually in his pockets. I looked at my watch, it was already 1:30 in the afternoon. "Okay, how about we grab takeout for lunch, and eat in the park? I don't know about you, but I'm starving." I declared, looking at him hopefully. He just laughed at me. "Lead the way doll," he said following me down the stairs to where my sleek (favorite color) (favorite model car) was parked. Thinking nothing of it, I shook my head, old-fashioned men; they were always calling me doll. 

Given the weather, I put all the windows down in the car, loving the wind in my hair. "Anywhere special you wanna eat?" I yelled, competing with the wind and my blaring music. "Anywhere you wanna go doll!" He hollered back at me. That settled it, we were getting (your favorite takeout). I pulled up in front of the restaurant, threw the car in park, and got out. "Where are we?" Bucky asked, looking at me skeptically. I shook my head playfully, "Come on Sarge, it's (favorite takeout)! You'll love it, I promise!" I said as I dragged him inside. I ordered my food for takeout, and when it was Buckys turn, he was still clearly undecided. " I don't know what to get, there are too many choices-" he informed me. "Do you trust me?" I asked him, and he nodded. I went ahead and ordered something that I thought he might like. When our food was ready, I grabbed our food and drinks and headed across the way to the park, Bucky in tow. 

Naturally, I picked my favorite, and secret spot in the entire park for the two of us to eat lunch. It was quiet, secluded, and right beside the beautiful river that ran through the park. "Really, under a tree?" he questioned me skeptically as I ducked beneath the branches of the weeping willow. "Ok you got me on this one" he mumbled to himself, unable to deny the beauty of my secret spot. "It's my secret spot. I've been coming here since I was a kid. But today, I thought you could use it too." I shared softly. We sat down in the soft grass and I laid all of the food out in front of us. "I'll give you this one (y/n), it looks good." he laughed, despite being unsure of the food I had ordered for us. In what seemed like no time, we had devoured our meals. 

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